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Sorry that I haven't update this story. I was really really busy with school. So please, don't be mad at me. Hope you all enjoy this chapter. :)

Anakin's POV

The words 'I already did, a few seconds ago' ringed in my head over and over again.
What did he just said? Does that mean he loves me? Obi-Wan Kenobi loves me? It feels like my heart stopped beating. I stared at him with wide eyes. I opened my mouth, searching for words, but I can't find them, so I closed my mouth again. I don't know what to say.

'Y-you, l-love me?' I asked, still not knowing what else to say.

I saw that he smiled shyly at me. 'Umm, yes I do, v-very m-much'

I can't believe it. I had the feeling that I need to cry, because I was so happy.

I looked at him and smiled 'You don't know how long I've waited for that moment. Everyday, I struggled with my feelings for you, and knowing that you'll never love me, but now I'm just the happiest man in the galaxy.' He looked at me with wide eyes 'Obi-Wan Kenobi, I love you with all my heart and I'll always will.' my voice cracked at the end of the sentence because I had to cry. I was just so happy that he loves me too.

I saw tears in his eyes as well. Overwhelmed with happiness. 'I love you too, and I'll always will.'

I reached out with my hand to cup his chin softly, then I leaned down to kiss him. When our lips came in contact it felt like fireworks were exploding. His lips were so soft and the scratchiness of his beard felt pleasurably on my skin. He nibbed on my lip and his tongue slid in my mouth. I moaned. I crushed his body against mine, wanted to feel him closer.

Obi-Wan's POV

It felt so good, finally kissing Anakin, and he was a damn good kisser. The way his tongue danced in my mouth and when he nibbed on my lip, his body pressed up against mine... it was an incredible feeling. When the need for oxygen increased we broke apart and he let his forehead rest against mine.
I looked deep into his eyes 'I love you so much Anakin.' I said smiling.

He smiled back at me 'I love you too Obi-Wan.'


After a while Anakin and I went inside again. I went in the kitchen to make some tea, because I felt very cold. Anakin looked at me with a strange impression.

'Do you really need to drink tea in the middle of the night? It's almost 12am'

'Well I'm freezing, and I love tea, so why not?' I asked him smirking

He just groaned and went in the bedroom. A few minutes after I followed him in the bedroom and saw that he alread were in bed reading a book.

'You took your time, old man.' he laughed 'Haha very funny.' I said I sat down on the other side of the bed with my tea.

'Are you still feeling cold?' he asked me. I turned around to look at him 'A little, why?'

He smiled 'Because I want to cuddle with you.' He took me in his arms and kissed my head. 'You know, this is the best day of my life.' I looked up to him and kissed him softly on the lips. 'Mine too'
I answered while I took his hand in mine. 'I love you' I whispered and yawned 'You seem tired, you should sleep. Good night and I love you too' and with that I felt asleep.


Anakin's POV

When I woke up, I saw Obi-Wan sleeping peacefully in my arms. I smiled, I'm so lucky to have him. I kissed his forehead and got out of the bed. I decided to make him some pancakes and coffee.
While I made them a very sleepy Obi-Wan came into the kitchen and he wrapped his arms around me, kissing my neck softly.  'Good morning.' he said. I felt him smile against my neck 'Good morning Obi-Wan.' I smiled too and turned around to kiss him softly on the lips. 'I hope you're hungry, I'm making pancakes and coffee.' I nuzzled his chin 'I am, thank you.' he said

'Why thank you? You don't need to thank me, get used to it.' I grinned at him

He looked at me a little confused 'Get used to what? Get used to, making me breakfast?'

I answered smiling 'Yes. So I'm finished, we should sit down and eat, before they're getting cold.

We sat down and ate the pancakes, while we were planning what to do the day.

'I think we should go around the city and after that we will go to a nice restaurant. What do you think?' Obi-Wan asked me

I smiled 'That's an wonderful idea. I'm looking forward to it.'

So, end of the part. Comments and votes are appreciated :)

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