19- Not Again

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The warm sheets covered Morgan's body perfectly, they ran alone every inch, every curve of her body.

She groaned and let out a quiet yawn as the body stretched awake. It was only half 6 and Morgan didn't need to be at college till 11 so that means she didn't have to sort out the horses till later.

So she could have fallen asleep again or just had a lie in.

However, she had always been the type of person to get up early and never waste a minute of the day.

She loved it. She felt all refreshed and energised and almost ready for the day.

But today her bed was extra warm and she couldn't be bothered to get up.

So she grabbed her phone and saw Aaron had texted her.

'Hey, are you awake? X'

'I am now, ;) x' She replied.

'Oh shit, did I wake you?! X' He texted back almost instantly.

'No, no, I was already awake, but I can't be bothered. Princesses need their beauty sleep. X' Morgan teased.

'Princess? What princess? I don't know any Princesses. ;) x'

'Excuse me, I think you'd find I'm a princess. X'

'Yeah, defiantly, x' And Morgan now knows she's not the only one who likes to be Sarcastic.

'Stop taking the piss, you're not aloud to be Sarcastic, only I am. It's MY thing, not yours. ;) x '

They texted each other until Morgan had to go sort out your horses. But honestly Morgan just laid down in her bed, she wanted to get up but quite frankly, she couldn't.

Not this again. Morgan thought to herself.

When her mother died all the years ago and Morgan was diagnosed with depression every morning she struggled to get up. It was something about the warm, cosy blankets that comforted her body, soul and mind. She let her, just for a second, to forget about everything.

Lately she had been thinking a lot about her mother and she did know that mental health couldn't just disappear like that, but she had been so distracted from the pain that she thought maybe, just maybe she'd be okay.

But maybe she was wrong.

Alarm after alarm rung and Morgan kept hitting snooze. She just couldn't find the strength to get up.

It was almost impossible.

But she had to have a reason to get up.

So she reached for her phone, snoozed her alarm and texted Aaron to see if he wasn't busy and wanted to meet at the shopping centre to hang out. He replied almost straight away and said he'll meet her there at 4 after she finished college.

Now with a meaning to get up she got dressed and headed down to the horses, luckily as it was only 9am and the horses slept out in the field they wouldn't mind being fed an hour late as they were grazing, eating grass and their hay.

Hours passed and the tickings of the several clocks throughout the day had finally reached 3 o'clock. Morgan was free to go.

But the bad thoughts continued to cloud her mind, today wasn't really a good day.

But she had an hour to reach the shopping centre where she was meeting Aaron.


After a long drive, through all of the traffic and broken down cars she finally made it to the mall. Which was extremely busy...

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