A New Year

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The castle was empty as Hermione looked around in awe. This place never ceased to amaze her. The sun shone perfectly through the windows and warmed the room just enough for her to be comfortable.

Another year. It had been 4 years since Hermione and Severus were married and she began teaching charms at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. It was what she had always wanted to do. She loved education more than anything (except Severus of course) and she wanted to pass that love onto the next generations.

Things often got confusing with two professor Snapes at school but things always managed to work out. The students were terrified of her husband but adored her.

It was the middle of August and all the teachers were returning to prepare for a new year. Severus always got there first so he could prepare in peace and get home to enjoy a few more days of freedom before the rush of annoying new little first years showed up to make his life miserable.

Over the years, Harry and Ginny had gotten married along with Ron and Lavender Brown. Ginny was excelling in her quidditch career and would soon be trying out for several professional teams. Harry and Ron were climbing up in the auror department and now had their own teams. Ron seemed unhappy but he pushed through. Lavender is pregnant with their first child who would be expected in early December.

Hermione arranged her books on the few shelves in her office and organized her drawers once again. She had lit several candles to attempt to get rid of the musty smell that accumulates when her office is unoccupied for several months.

Everything was almost ready. All she needed was her schedule and a little bit of fire whiskey to calm her nerves. She always got nervous at the beginning of the year no matter how excited she was.

As if reading her mind, Severus walked into her office with a bottle of champagne and two glasses. She giggle and gave a little punch to his chest before giving him a large kiss.

"I'm sorry it's not fire whiskey, but you know how I loathe the stuff." Severus said pouring her a glass and handing it to her. She took a small sip and sat down in her chair leaning back and sighing.

"Another year. I can't wait until these first few weeks are over. They are simply the worst." Hermione said putting her feet up on the desk.

"Idiotic little first years getting lost and winding up locked in an empty classroom? Yes I agree."

"Oh Severus be nice. You remember how hard it was to navigate around this large castle. They're only eleven. What do you expect?"

"A little maturity if we're lucky."

Severus leaned against her desk next to her feet, and they talked about the upcoming year and all the work that would pile up quickly. Hermione closed her eyes for a moment and sighed again. As much as she loved teaching, the new year was always difficult.

She opened her eyes again as Severus began to remove her shoes and she stared at him confused.

"Don't protest my dear. You've been walking around this castle all day. You need some relief." He began to dig his thumbs into the balls of her feet and she leaned her head back and moaned.

"Oh love, you know exactly how to make me feel better."

Severus chuckled as he massaged her feet and she sipped more champagne.

There was a large chair in the corner of her office where Severus eventually retreated to with a large book as Hermione finished putting things away. Once done, she walked over to him and sat on his lap wrapping her arms around his neck.

"We should go home. I'm exhausted."

Severus folded up his book and set it on the floor. His hands snaked around her hips and he kissed her gently. "I agree. Today has been long. I just want to get into bed and sleep for three whole days."

Hermione laughed and tried to stand but Severus quickly pulled her back down.

"Severus, what are you-"

He quickly pushed his lips against hers and she took in a sharp breath but tightened her grip on him. She let her hand move to his neck where he flinched a little but didn't stop.

They explored each others mouths and bodies for a good 10 minutes before Hermione pulled away.

"Let's go home dear. We'll be more comfortable there."

Severus smirked and helped her stand. They walked hand in hand over to the fireplace and took the floo network back home.

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