It's Time part 2

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"Breathe Hermione, breathe" Severus said as Hermione's face was scrunched up as tight as possible.

She was laying in a hospital bed rolled onto her side. Severus was kneeling down by her face as she gripped his hand tightly.

"You're doing wonderfully darling, but you do need to breathe."

Hermione let out a loud scream as she squeezed Severus' hand tighter than humanly possible. After the contraction, Hermione loosened her grip and began panting and opening her eyes slowly.

"One more done dear. It'll be over soon. I promise."

"Don't you ever make me do this again Severus Snape." Hermione barked as poppy lifted the sheets to check Hermione progress.

"You're not quite there yet Hermione, but I'm sure that it will be coming along quicker now. Just breathe and try to relax in between contractions. I'll go get you something for the pain." Poppy quickly flew out of the room leaving Hermione and Severus in the quiet.

"This really sucks."

"Well I would have chosen some more mature words, but yes, I can imagine that it sucks." Severus kissed her forehead that was drenched in sweat.

"How long has it been?"

"Oh, I don't know," Severus said turning to look at the clock that hung above the door. "Let's see, about 6 hours."

Hermione let her head roll back and she moaned loudly before looking down and her stomach. "You get out of there right now! I'm tired of this!"

Severus laughed and gently ran his free hand over her bare stomach. "What do you want?"


Severus gave a small smile that was rarely ever seen, even by Hermione herself. It was a smile full of hope and excitement. It was almost identical to the smile that was on his face as she walked down the aisle at their wedding. "A boy or a girl, what do you want?"

"I don't care, I just want the little pest out!"

Hermione scrunched up her face again and struggled for breath. She reached over and grabbed the collar of Severus' shirt and scrunched it up in her fist. Their cheeks were pressed together as Severus tried to comfort her.


"I know dear, I know. Breathe please. You can squeeze as hard as you like."

Hermione let out another scream that echoed around the stone walls. "MAKE IT STOP!"

"It will be over soon Hermione. I promise. Just keep going!"

Poppy popped in again with a few bottles of potions that Severus had prepared for this day. She uncorked the first bottle and patiently stood at Hermione's side while she worked through the contraction. Once it was over, she handed Severus the bottle and he helped Hermione get it down. "Now that should make the next ones a little easier, but I'm not guaranteeing anything. Are you hungry dear?"

Hermione's eyes were half closed and she was panting hard. "I suppose just a little, but I'm really thirsty."

"Well that's an easy thing to fix. I'll be right back!"

Again poppy was gone and Hermione moaned. "She's too happy. It's making me sick."

"Well would you prefer she be yelling at you?"


"You know, I think I'd like a boy. He'd need to look like you of course, but I think a boy would be fun, and boys are easier to dress in black."

"Our baby will not be wearing black."

"But it's a wonderful color."

"I'm sorry Sev, but black isn't a color."

"You wear it too."

Hermione laughed at this and cringed a little. "But not to the extent that you do love."

"Hello hello!" Minerva peeked through the door then entered carrying a tray with toast and jam on it with a tall glass of water. "I saw poppy heading down to the kitchens and I decided I needed an excuse to come and see how you were doing."

Minerva set the tray down on the table next to Hermione's bed and looked at Hermione with a proud expression.

"I've had better days. Thank you for bringing that Minerva."

"Oh of course! Well I don't want to overwhelm you, so I'll go, but do let me know if you need anything?"

"Yes Minerva. Thank you."




Hermione had been laying in the same position for almost 12 hours. Severus had laid his head down on the side of the bed and would wake up whenever he felt the pressure on his hand.

"Are you alright?"

"I need to get up. I'm so tired of laying here. This is taking forever."

Severus stood slowly and rubbed his eyes letting out a huge yawn. He grabbed under her arms and helped pull her into a sitting position. "I need to go to the loo."

Poppy was in the corner of the room preparing towels and water in hopes that the baby would be arriving soon. "I'm surprised you've lasted this long Hermione."

Hermione began to cry causing both Severus and poppy to look in confusion and fear.

"I'm sorry poppy, I haven't. It's just sort of... come out." Hermione said with tears running down her face.

"Oh Hermione there's no need to be sorry! Why didn't you tell me sooner? I have a whole pile of clean sheets for this exact reason."

"Poppy?" Hermione called out from the loo, "nothing's happening."

"Well then my dear, that means it's almost time to have this baby!"

Hermione situated herself once more in the bed after several contractions. They had been getting more frequent and stronger as time went on but Hermione was more than ready for things to be done.

"Now let me take a look, and... Hermione, you're fully dilated. We can start now."

Hermione tried pushing and nothing seemed to be happening. She was having a lot of contractions but she felt like she was getting nowhere.

"I guess your little baby here doesn't want to leave it's comfortable home." Poppy said trying to ease Hermione's anxiety.

It wasn't long before things started moving faster and faster. Hermione was screaming almost non stop as Severus tried to not focus on how hard she was gripping his hand.

"Almost there dear! Give me one last big push!"

Hermione screamed as loudly as possible as she used the last bit of energy left in her. She felt a small rush of relief as she looked down as saw a small head with black hair being lifted towards her chest.

"Congratulations mum. You've got a gorgeous little girl."

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