Regretful conversation

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"I'm so fat. I look like I swallowed a whole watermelon. I looked at pictures of my mother when she was pregnant with me, and she wasn't ever this big. I have have 2 more months! How much bigger can this thing get?!"

"Stop worrying yourself dear. Everyone's body is different. You're not fat. Trust me, I've been to America."

"I just want this damn thing out of me. I feel like a balloon!"

Hermione hit her hand against the wall and groaned loudly. "I hate this! Why did I let you do this to me?"

"Excuse me? I think we both played an equal role in it."

Hermione burst into tears and slid her back down the wall. She didn't get very far before she had to put her hands out and try to catch herself in an awkward squatting position. "How am I going to make it through classes without knocking everything over? At this rate I won't be able to walk anywhere near a human being. I'm sick of this. I don't want to be pregnant anymore!"

"Well I think it's a little late for that." Severus smirked. He patted her shoulder and exited the bedroom. Hermione heard his footsteps down the stairs and then sat in silence.

She rubbed her stomach gently and felt a few small kicks. "Merlin, you better be worth it." She sighed as she leaned her head back against the wall.


The table was full of chattering professors. Minerva was hunched over a large stack of parchment.

Neville sat sheepishly on one end watching some of his previous professors and several new ones.

"Neville, don't look so nervous," Hermione said leaning over to him, "you're one of us now."

He gave a nervous chuckle and returned to his awkward state. Professor trelwany tried to read his palms but they were so sweaty she immediately withdrew her offer.

"Alright everyone!" Minerva said finally joining the group. "It's come to that time again. Another year! I'd like to welcome Neville Longbottom who is taking over for Pomona. I'm sure most of you remember him. He was an excellent student."

Severus couldn't hold back a smirk and Hermione jabbed him in the side with her elbow and giving him an angry glare.

"This year we have a record 67 students who will be starting their first year at Hogwarts. Hopefully we'll have room for them." Minerva stood with her stack of parchment and handed them out. "I have made all of your schedules for this year. If you have any concerns feel free to let me know. And Severus, I don't care."

The entire table laughed. Every year, Severus would complain about having so many first year classes and every year Minerva would listen. She obviously wasn't going to have that anymore.

"Also in October, we will be welcoming the baby of Hermione and Severus so we will be needing a replacement for Severus for a month or two. Filius is going to come in for Hermione but Horace is not answering my owls. If anybody could persuade him I'd be ever so grateful."

The meeting went on with no real excitement. They talked about the first couple days and how they might be able to improve things for first years, what to have for the welcome feast, and who to have for prefects and head boys and girls.

Hermione tapped her foot under the table and constantly rubbed her temples. She hadn't been feeling well the last couple of days and was getting anxious about having a baby during the year. Her mother was preparing to move into Hermione's quarters at Hogwarts and she was worried things wouldn't go according to plan.

Once the meeting adjourned, Severus helped Hermione stand and they made their way down to the dungeons. Once inside their sitting room Hermione immediately burst into tears.

"Oh what is it this time?" Severus rolled his eyes.

"What if this doesn't work out? I can't do this!"

"Hermione, it's too late. Arrangements have been made. We're almost done with your mothers room and-"

"What if I'm not a good mother. I mean I'm basically just bringing this child to work. Am I choosing my career over my family?"

Severus was already stressed because of the new year and wasn't ready to deal with her crying again. It had been several days since her last episode and he was hoping it would have stayed at that.

"I don't know Hermione." He sighed and went to go start organizing his potions ingredients.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"

"I don't know! I don't know if you'll be a good mother! You're going to try your hardest and that's all you can do! I don't know if I'll be a good father! I never had anyone to show me what to do! You had two parents that loved you, so Hermione, I bet you'll be wonderful!" Though trying to remain calm, his voice slowly got louder and louder. "Now stop your crying I can't take it anymore! I can't take your constant complaining! I understand that you're uncomfortable. I know you don't feel well, but I can't take it anymore!"

Hermione gave a few sniffles and a couple steps back. She rubbed her eyes before turning and exiting the room leaving Severus feeling like the worst human being to have ever walked the planet.


Ok I'm sooooo sorry. This took forever but I had major writers block, finals, and I had surgery. I need to be better at my updates and I'll really really try! Thank you everyone for being so patient. I love you all!!!

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