Chapter 9

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Kalil’s Pov (Bet you all didn’t see that one coming :P)

I chucked my bag on my bed and glanced at the clock, it was 3:46 and I decided to surprise Kyran by visiting him, for some unknown reason I had waited the whole day just so I could get home and visit him. I was for some unexplainable reason excited yet nervous to see him ‘You know exactly why you want to see him’ I furrowed my brows when my subconscious voice spoke to me and I growled under my breath “shut up” I whispered into the air and it did to my relief.

I rushed downstairs and almost bumped into Jane at the bottom of the stairs, I hurriedly said sorry and she inquired where I was going in such a rush and I dismissively told her that I was going next door and she nodded and I walked quickly out the door saying bye.

I walked over the trimmed green grass that was littered with varied coloured autumn leaves that fell from our trees, they went crunch and crinkled under my footsteps. I knocked on Kyran's front door and waited a little until once again his grandmother opened it and greeted me warmly; she let me in and told me that he was upstairs.

“By the sounds of it, he’s playing his guitar” she noted saying each word slowly, I guess she was tired I nodded and told her thanks and I went upstairs. I crept to Kyran’s room quietly making sure not to step on any creaky floorboards or something, I watched Kyran play his bass from his doorframe and he didn’t seem to notice my presence because he was too enraptured with his playing.

I concluded that I had watched him play long enough and cleared my throat, he didn’t hear me so I tried again and he stopped playing and looked up at me, his eyes widening at the sight of me. “Kalil… wh-what are you doing here?” I looked at him incredulously and amazed when I heard his voice crack and he looked away also noticing that his voice had cracked, I shook my head side to side in a small motion and looked at him.

“I came to visit you, duh. What are you playing?” I added more softly and he bit his lip and looked at the piece of paper lying on the table and I went to look at it and he snatched it up and put it away with a whole other bunch of papers. I looked at him sceptically and he mumbled that he was playing nothing special and I decided to leave it at that, he put down his bass and walked closer to me and leaned against his table looking at me with his glowing golden brown eyes.

“So what do you want to do?” Kyran asked me his eyes shining in the sunlight that streamed through the window and open curtains. “… Would you be able to teach me bass today?” Kyran seemed taken aback when I asked him that, even I was surprised I had asked that it just came out of nowhere but I was kind of glad that I had when Kyran nodded slowly in approval.

“Sure” he dragged out slowly and the corner of my mouth twitched into a smirk at how him and his Gran seem to be dragging out their words today. Kyran picked up the bass and told me how to hold it, which I already knew but he insisted on showing me anyhow so I just nodded and listened he also told me how to strum it and I rolled my eyes at him not bothering to say that I also knew that as well.

He passed it to me eventually when he had finished showing me the basics which I told him numerous times that I had knowledge of, I strummed it a few times to show him that I had everything right and he seemed pleased and we got started on the different chords. “Show me all the chords that you know since you seem to know all the basics I expect you to be able to show me some chords” Kyran told me smugly and I shook my head at his childishness.

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