Necklace Of Souls

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This is one of my favorite stories that I am writing.  I would like options on the story.

Chapter One

    beep, beep, beep

    A hand hit the alarm to shut it off but is started again, the girl moaned, stood up from her bed then hit the alarm clock again to shut it up.  They walked to a window and looked out of it, sun wasn’t up yet, an other moaned.  They stepped out of the room.  She was lucky that she didn’t have to share it.  Past the foster parents room to the bathroom to take a shower.

    Stepping out of the shower, then put on a towel looked at the mirror that was covered with condensation.  She exhaled loudly and wipe a spot so she could see herself in it.  A young 16 year old woman with dirty blond hair and bright gray eyes, they look more like milky gray was staring at her.  The reflection smiled at her.  Then for a second she thought she saw someone behind her in the mirror.  It was a man with an evil smile, his hair was gray and eyes red.

    She turned to looked at him.  Opened her mouth to ask who was he, but he had vanished out of sight. Turning back around to the mirror putting both hands on the counter top then looking down at it. Not wanting to yell because she didn’t what to wake anyone up.  She looked up to stare at the spot that she thought the man was.  She just couldn’t move her body. It made her think if she imagine that?  “I have got to get more sleep.”  She said as she straightened up and rubbing her gray eyes.

    “I’ll say Rose.  You woke me up.”  Sara walked in the bathroom looked at her self in the mirror to fix some of her hair.  “Just because you like riding the bus with the little pests and have to wake up an hour before everyone else doesn’t mean I have to too.”  Sara was so self-centered.

    “Sorry you don’t sleep like a baby.  And for the last time it is Rosemary.”  Rosemary said as she was taking out the hair dryer and plugging it in.  “Why don’t you go back to bed then?”

    “Because I know if I wake up before you start the hair dryer then there is no point of trying to go back to sleep.”  Sara took out a brush and started to brush her hair, each time the brush pulled her hair straight then it went back to it’s natural curls.

    “Or it was to get into the shower after me for some hot water.”  Rosemary smiled.  Sara and Rosemary weren’t the only kids at the foster home, they had to share this bathroom with four other girls around Rosemary’s age.  “I’ll dry my hair then you can have the bathroom.”  Rosemary said softer.

    “Thank you.”  Sara smiled at Rosemary.  “You really care about everyone.  Don’t you?”

    “Yes I do care about everyone.”  Rosemary grabbed a brush from the drawer.  “Are you going to skip school today?”

    Sara stopped in the middle of a brush stroke, looked at Rosemary like a little kid getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar.  “How do you know that I cut school?”

    Rosemary  smiled and winked, “You just told me.”

    “That is not cool.”  she shook her head.  “Your crazy.”

    Rosemary laughed, “We all are crazy.  If your not crazy then your weird.” Rosemary started the hair dryer, and dried her hair.  Sara left as soon as Rosemary started it, but she felt like someone was still watching her.  She didn’t like the feeling.

    She finished drying her hair, was straight all the way to the start of the neck then started to curl.  She went to her room and got dressed, but she still had that feeling as if someone was watching her.  She kept looking around her but no one was around her.  As soon as she was done getting dressed, she went down stairs to get something to eat.  She felt starved.  Rosemary grabbed some pop-tarts and started to eat them.  Then turned around, still having the pop-tart out of her mouth, she to look out the window.  The sun was just rising, seeing this almost everyday Rosemary really just looked past the beauty of it.  How the sun made the small little clouds turn different colors she always used to stand here looking at it but it lost her intrest somewhere along the way.  But she always knows one thing about it, it was beautiful.

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