1: What Now?

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play music during the whole chapter just because it's a nice song :)))

Carl's POV

"We left Enid!" I screamed and my dad hit the breaks on the car.

"What!" Destiny began to freak out as Daryl had to hold her and calm her.

"W-we left h-her," I was starting to choke on my own tears.

"You know we can't go back. There's a herd that way," my dad explained.

"No! No! I'm not leaving my girl out there alone! I told her I will never let her be alone or get hurt again!" I preached as anger filled my veins.

"He's right, we have to go!" Destiny defended me.

"Carl, I make the decisions! We're not going back," my dad was yelling at me. He doesn't understand how much I care about Enid.

"I'm going myself then!" I stopped out of the van and slammed the door. Glenn shortly followed me.

"What do you need!?" I crossed my arms.

"I'm coming with," Glenn said.

"Me too," Destiny was here now too.

"Get in the damn car. We will go and look around the place to see if she's there. If not, she's probably trying to make her way back so we will have to just wait to see," my dad yelled out the window and we listened to him.

I hopped in and sat in a corner. I felt like crying my eyes out but I didn't want to be weak. I had to be strong and think positive. She's most likely fine.

"Carl," Michonne said at a low, quiet voice.

"Why isn't the van moving?" I groaned.

"We can't go yet. Carl, don't yell. It will be o-"

"We have to go! Now! She can't stay out there alone!"

"Carl, it's too dark to keep driving. We will go first thing at sunrise. Now stop yelling," my dad butted into the conversation.

"Fuck off," I mumbled and no one heard.

"Get some sleep kid," Daryl patted my shoulder. I laid on my bag as a pillow and put my blanket over me. It was the one Enid and I cuddled with. I pulled it over my head and her scent filled my nostrils. I soon had uncontrollable tears welling up in my eyes. I was silently crying so no one will ever know. Be tough, Carl. I thought. I'm breaking. What will I do without her.

What now, Carl? What now? I kept asking myself.

I cried myself to sleep that night.


I woke up to the van bumping up and down a familiar road. It was the road that we had found the cabin on with all the supplies. We were getting closer. I was getting anxious. God, I hope she's okay.

"Morning. You still grumpy?" Michonne asked. I rubbed my eyes and shrugged my shoulders in tiredness. I had my blanket draped over my shoulder, as I was freezing. I combed my hair with my fingers and put on my sweatshirt. The van stopped and I knew it was time. Please be in there, Enid.

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