Meeting More Than Just The Avengers

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Chapter 3- Winter's POV:

I wake up at six, still feeling tired. I should've just shucked it up instead of crying so much. I grab some clothes and go into the bathroom for a quick shower. Today I'm suppose to have a fresh start with Tony. I have a bad feeling about this though. I feel like one of us, mainly him, are going to screw this up. I finish then realize I have nothing to do. All my stuff is still at my house. Natasha gave me the clothes I'm wearing now. I can't borrow clothes forever. Also that's not my style.

I walk back to the bed and lay down. I guess I could count doubles to pass the time. I have no idea when the others wake up. I close my eyes and start counting. Two, Four, Eight, Sixteen, Thirty-two, Sixty-four....., 4096. This is so boring, but I continue to count. I have no idea how to get around this place. I would probably get lost in a minute.

Someone touches me and I punch out forgetting for second that I'm not in my room. I hit something hard. I open my eyes and see Steve. OMG! Steve's here. Fangirl mode kicking in. Must remain calm. Must remain calm. 

"Why are you counting?"

"Will, I'm counting because I'm bored and... wait that hit didn't hurt you?" I ask.

"No," he says. 

"Wow, you really are a super solider," I say. He shrugs his shoulders. He's modest. 

"Since you're bored you want to go out with me?"

He said go out! I know he doesn't mean on a date. Probably to the park for a walk or something. A girl can dream, right?

"Sure. To where?"

"The park, then maybe to the movies. The way you described your life, you don't look like you watch a lot of movies," he says.

"Looks who talking. You had to catch up on a lot, I mean a lot of things just to understand today's generation," I say, but regret it. I shouldn't talk to him like that.

"You have a point, but I I'm almost caught up now. So what's your excuse?"

"Will, I..... I don't know," I say getting a bit upset. He laughs.

"So you want to go or not?"

"Of course. I would never pass up an opportunity like this. I mean your Captain America. The super soldier. Your strong and believe in team work. You have an awesome costume. Girls drooling.... Um, sorry. My inner fangirl came out."

He laughs. He offers his hand. I take his hand. I wish I could faint right now. Would he catch me? I should stop dreaming before my fangirl comes out again. I feel my face turning red.

"That's okay. I get that reaction when I'm out jogging," he says.

"How often do you jog?"

"Almost everyday unless I'm needed elsewhere."

"Wow," is all I could say.

He walks out the door. I grab my shoes and quickly follow behind him. No one seems to be up. Guess it's too early for them. Steve speed walks to the elevator.

"Slow down," I tell him. If this is what a walk is to him then count me out. He slows down and apologies to me. I tell him it's no big deal, but he didn't seem convince. 


We walked a few laps around the park. People greeted Steve. Only a few of them said something to me. Will I sure feel important. I smile when ever Steve looks at me. I don't think he's convince I'm happy. We buy some ice cream, then walk to the theaters.

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