OMG! It's Them!

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Chapter 13- Winter's POV:

I wake up slowly. I have no idea how long I've been here. As far as I know, my mom has been awake since she saw me. When I fall asleep till I wake up. I found out to my left lays Don. She hasn't awoken yet. At first I thought she was dead, but I notice her chest rising and falling gently. Not dead. Glad to see that. If she was, I don't know if I would be able to get over her deaf. Sure I knew her for a short time, but we became close just like that.

Besides them two, no one has came by. You would think our captors would've shown themselves a bit. Wait is it more than one? Maybe it's just one evil mastermind behind this. Who ever it is, is going to pay like hell. Sorry for my language. Beyond the glass cell is just darkness. I can't see nothing. It reminds me of when I was four and I was playing hide and seek. It was night and I decided to hide in the kitchen. Only a single light lit the kitchen. I hid in the corner and waited. I didn't realize how dark the house was until I heard a loud bang. The kitchen light flicked and cut off completely. Leaving me in total darkness. You know those annoying little kid screams that go on and on. Yeah, I screamed like crazy. Tears coming to my eyes. Why did I even bother playing that game when It never ended well? You won't see me playing that game again. Not ever.

I sit back against the back glass. Something pokes my leg. I reach in my pocket and pull out a small purple circular disk. My gauntlet! Or hoverboard or suit? I'll just keep calling it Jay IV. Maybe I should rename it. I notice movement to my left. I look and see Don slowly moving. She sits up rubbing her eyes. She looks around a little. Her eyes widen and look around surprised. She see's me and tries saying something. No luck in hearing her. I point to my ear and shake my head. She sighs and slumps against the glass.

I look at my mom. She looks terrible. All tired. I point to her and tell her to sleep. She shakes her head. This is crazy. I don't need her watching me like this. I show her my disk. She looks at me confused. I just smile. I tap on Don's side. She looks at me. I show her the disk. She smiles and claps. I press the button and the gantlet pops out. Forming over my hand. My mom looks amazed. I notice a bit of annoyance in her eyes. She can tell Tony did this. I guess she never imagined her only daughter having this.

I stand back and aim at the glass in front of me. It charges up and I blast. It hits the glass with a lot of force making me fall down. Smoke is in the air. I wave my hand, coughing. It clears up and I look. Frowning at the glass. It left a dark circle on it. Come on. This isn't fair. I decide to put the suit fully on. I glance at my mom. She has a look of shock on her face. I ready the blaster. Don excitedly watches me. I shoot this time not falling. The smoke clears up. Nothing, but just a bigger black circle. What is this glass made of?

Don pouts. My mom sighs. I retract the suit. I put the disk in my pocket. So I guess we're stuck here until the Avengers find us. I know I should be positive, but what if they never come? What if we're stuck here till we die. Which will be soon at this rate. We haven't gotten any food. I look at my mom and do an eating motion. She shakes her head. Nope, no food. Worst time of my life. Suddenly red lights flash from the darkness. I notice a couches and a table. I look around trying to figure out what's going on.

A big blast comes from my mom's side. The lights come on. My eyes go wide at the sight. The couches and table have been blown to bits. Guess who comes walking in here. Guess! Guardians of the Galaxy! I hope I'm not dreaming. This is so cool. Gamora, she's my favorite. One, she's a girl. Two, her skin is a pretty green. I know Hulk has green skin, but it's not the same. She's different. She comes over to my glass smiling. She's smiling at me. Don takes out her phone and takes a picture. Good thing no flash wasn't on. I don't know how Gamora would react to that. She looks at Rocket. He's cute! I will never say that to his face.

He messes with the controls a bit. Nothing happens for while. Groot walks in with Drax and the Star-Lord behind him. He has his mask on right now. I want him to take it off. I love his face. If I don't calm myself, I'm going to have a fangirl attack. Rocket grabs a huge blaster and shoots it at the controls. The glass instantly breaks. My mom and Don hug me.

"Too tight. I would like to live," I say. Barely getting any word out. The pull away from me. We look at the Guardians.

"Follow us. Some people are waiting for you," Star-Lord says. I nod like an idiot. We get up and follow. My mom already collapsing to the ground.

"Groot carry her," Rocket tells him. "I am Groot," he says. I laugh.

"Yeah, buddy I hear you," Rocket says. We follow them out. Halls after halls. All gray. Does the place not have an end? Don comes up besides me.

"How cool is this. No one will believe this!" She whispers-shouts at me. I nod agreeing. Now just imagine if we met the X-Men and Fantastic Four. I think I would actually die. My inner fangirl wants to come out. Finally a big metal door is not too far ahead.

"I got this," Star-Lord says. Don and I look at each other. We turn back to him. He puts something on the door. Nothing happens. Don and I burst out laughing.

"Move aside," Drax says. Star-Lord moves aside muttering about no respect for the leader. Drax punches the door and it flies off. Don claps and I cheer. Seeing my one of my many heros in action. The others look at us weird. Don and I look down. Gamora tells us we need to get moving now. We nod and follow them outside. They look around confused.

"Where's my ship?!"

Aww, I wanted to see his famous starship. Something green glows ahead of us. Loki emerges with Ultron at his side. Wait, what?! They're both alive! How did this happen. Something smashes to the ground. Dirt flies into the air. I cough once again. When the dirt settles I see him. I may not met him personally, but I was told about him. Thanos. Don runs behind Groot. I just stand there. In front of the group. Star-Lord stands in front of me.

"The puny guardians got the mere mortals out. How wonderful," Loki says.

"What do you want with them Thanos," Gamora spits out.

"I just want the little girl. She possesses some power I want," He says grinning.

"What about my revenge?" Ultron asks angrily.

"Once I get the power I want, you may have the girl Ultron," Thanos says.

Star-Lord lifts his wrist to his mouth. "Hey Tony, Star-Lord here. We have a problem."


Big stuff is about to happen. More villains and hero's are coming! Yay!! Be prepared for the next chapter. It shall be big!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe two parts. I don't know if I'm splitting it or not.


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