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Chapter 21- Tony's POV:

I just left Clint with the kids. They seem to be happy it's him. The others are setting up everything perfectly. All this is happening because of the one and only....... Tony Stark! Yep, I'm making this possible for the girls. Natasha comes to me carrying a huge box.

"Tony, I swear if you don't quit it with your face on things, I will kill you."

"Who doesn't like my face on things?"

"This isn't for you."

"I know. It's just a reminder of who made this awesome thing happen."

"I'm done with you. All these plates with your faces are going in the trash by the way," she says walking off. I go after her.

"I paid good money for those!"

"Now you can say by to your money."

I try taking the box, but she moves away quickly. I know I don't have a chance trying to get it. Natasha only laughs and gets away. My precious face. Bruce comes to with a green balloon. I raise an eyebrow.

"Look what I found."

I take the balloon and frown

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I take the balloon and frown. It's a balloon with Hulk's face on it.

"Why do you have this?"

"The rest of figured since you have your face on things, we should be able to do that too."

"Who's idea was this?"


"Get that balloon out of here. We aren't having that."

Bruce laughed walking away. I pull out my phone and call Clint.


"Clint, your idea is terrible."

"Now Tony, you don't mean that."

"Yes, I do."

"Did you see the big surprise though?"

"The balloon, yes. It needs to go."

"Not just the balloon. The entire room."

"What room?"

"Ask Bruce. He knows."

Before I could say anything else he hangups. I go to find Bruce. He's outside with Thor.

"Bruce what room is Clint talking about?"

"I'll show you," he says. He leads the way. I follow him. Satisfied with most of this place. It's turning out really good. Bruce stops in front of the huge wooden doors. I sigh. Not this place. They ruined it. They did. I know it. Bruce opens the door. The first thing I see is a huge banner with the team with me crossed out. Posters and balloons all over this place has them. Me with x's all on me. I take deep breaths. I walk forward. I hear a crack under my foot. I look down and see an arrow. Instead of a point is a big ball at the end. I pick it up. Looking at it. It suddenly explodes paint all over my face. Purple paint to be exact.

"Clint will be happy his plan worked out nicely."

I look up and see Natasha with a phone in her hand. She recorded me. I wipe the paint off my face. They want to play like that. So be it. I grin.

"Good one, but I have better ideas," I tell her.

She only rolls her eyes. She climbs down, jumping down at a safe distance. She tells me she already sent the video so I can't do anything about it. They'll just have to wait till I unfold a brilliant plan on them. Then I'll be the one laughing. Natasha walks off. I look around. Well the paint didn't get everywhere. Most of it is one me. Sadly I have to fix the place. The decorations ruined by Clint. The others will pay, but first him. I walk out of the room to go get cleaned up.

As I walk down the hall I couldn't help but get a feeling something else is going to happen. I scan the halls. Looking all around for something out of place. Nothing. I should just ask J.A.R.V.I.S to scan the place. I'm about to open my mouth when something comes flying toward me. I put my hands up, closing my eyes. When I open them. Glitter is all over me. I start sneezing up a storm. My eye suddenly itchy. I rub them. Which was a big mistake. Now my eyes fill irritated. I blink like crazy. I hear laughing, but with tears in my eyes, it's hard to tell who. Though I'm pretty sure it's everyone. Probably getting another video of me.

Something wet gets poured on me. I freeze up cause of the coldness. What did I ever do to them. The only good thing is that my eyes fell a little better. I open my eyes. Glitter is still on me. White powder gets thrown at me. I glare at all of them. Calling my suit. I go after them. The pieces coming on to me. They all split up. Running quickly. I decide to go after Bruce since he'll probably be the slowest one. As long as he doesn't get mad. I'll teach him a lesson without getting him mad though.

Suit fully on now, I blast through the place. Decorations coming off the walls. Ignoring that, I go to the place where Bruce might be. I go to where the "lab" might be. Me and Bruce were testing a few things to make the day special, but we didn't finish yet. Got caught up in the other things that needed to be done. I enter the room slowly. J.A.R.V.I.S scans for any heat signatures. Nothing. Then where would he be?


After two hours of searching for anyone, I give up. They must have left. For some reason J.A.R.V.I.S couldn't find any traces of them, which is weird. I walk around the place. Sighing. Half of this mess is from me flying around the place. I know I can't clean this all up alone. Clint is really going to get it. We were on schedule. Only two more days and we would've been done. Now I'm not sure if we'll finish on time, before the day comes. I go to the huge room. We placed a couches and a t.v. in there. Everyone is sitting there. Watching the t.v. Not one of them notice me. I clear my throat. Steve looks at me and smiled a little. He looks ashamed, but clearly not enough. He messed with me. I sit down on the single couch. Everyone barely glances at me. Thor drinks from a mug. I assume coffee is in it. He has a smug smile on his face.

I turn off the t.v. Only a little light doesn't leave the room in complete darkness. No one moves. Smart of them. They move, it will only be worse for them. My phone vibrates. I pull it out and look. Winter sent me a picture. Don, Peter, Ava, Sam, and Clint are all wearing tutu's. The guys have a grim face. The girls smiling. She then sends me a video. Winter and the girls are dancing crazy. While the guys stand with there arms crossed. Sam must be holding her phone since he's not in the shot. I smile. Well Winter helped a bit with getting Clint back. Even if she doesn't know it. I look up. Everyone, but Natasha is gone. Of course she got away. She's as silent as the night.

I get up and go upstairs to my room. Not much of a room, but it's just for a little bit. I'll get my room back in the tower. Just one more day after tonight. Hopefully no longer than that. But the way things are going now, I don't think so. Thor should be relieving Clint tomorrow morning. He'll be the last one to take care of the kids. Then the big surprise will be shown to them. I lay down. Smiling. I can't wait to see their faces.


Sorry for taking so long to update. Hopefully it won't happen again. Also, you guys should join DisneyWorldInfoQueen 's Peggy's Marvelous Writing Contest. It's fun and I think it helps you be more creative. I'll mention this on my other story as well. Please vote and comment.

~Iron Hawk 🎩

Babysitted By The Avengers {Slowly Editing}Where stories live. Discover now