Chapter One.

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O N E.

"Daddy more—"

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"Daddy more—"

Jimin mentally banged his head off the wall — repeatedly — as memories continued to flood into his mind from the previous night. How he managed to toss himself into such a steamy, unfortunate predicament was beyond him.

How embarrassing!

Jimin groaned lowly while he shoved his face into his freezing palms, attempting to cover up the already heavily prominent crimson blush that had traveled its way onto his pink, puffy cheeks. Though he failed to ignore the already noticeable tightening of his groin area.

His member twitched excitedly beneath his tight leather pants as memories of his previous sexual encounter continued to fluster the younger.

Why the hell did I call him daddy!?

He mentally thanked the gods or whoever the hell people preached towards these days, that at this current moment, nobody could hear his sinful thoughts or he'd probably — scratch that — he would crawl into a hole and die of a certain overdose of embarrassment.

Jimin could already imagine the crazy, bigoted Christians coming towards him already preparing to spew their continuous nonsense for supporting and taking part in such: 'sinful activity', as he mother spoke of also.

Thou shalt not be gay — or however the hell it went. Quite frankly, Jimin didn't care for the nonsense spews of Christians.

Thou shalt not suck dick.

But guess what? I still do hun.

Now, let's just introduce the fact Jimin had been running scenario, after scenario of his already-planned disappearance since Three o'clock the previous night. That before he managed to sneak out of the dingy hotel room of the hella-lickable, mint haired male that drunken Jimin had managed to find himself tangled between the thin sheets within the lengthly timeframe of last night. Furthermore, after mindlessly stumbling out of a club with said man, and managing to embarrass the living crap out of himself in the processes.

Jimin wasn't even certain that the mysterious man had noticed him call him daddy. In fact, Jimin wasn't even positive if he had even managed to hear himself correctly as his drunken thoughts still fogged his mind and memories of the previous night. Maybe he was just overthinking the situation? But that still didn't stop the younger from overthinking of the worst possible scenarios if his memory happened to be true.

With Jimin's impressive luck, his mind would be true to his memories and he would somehow manage to run into the mint haired male, and thus somehow for him to remember every detail. Further deciding on spreading to all the population how he had made Jimin his little bitch that previous night.

He would be fucked in the ass majorly.

Rather Literallyno pun intended.

And worst of all, everyone would find out his secret. He was indeed gay. Not that it would be much of a shocker to the world at all. Jimin was already surrounded with gay lingoes Twenty-Four Seven. Which those he would easily bush off — quickly reassuring the population of his very much, non-existent straightness and further attempts to put aside the numbing pang of hurt that spread across his chest.

Though, he did suppose secretly juggling a part-time at a gay club as a dancer and, practically lying about the majority of his life to all his distant mutuals and family wasn't helping, nor supporting his case much either.

But the thing is, Jimin was about as straight as a fucking squiggly line on a good day. A circle on most.

Jokes on them hoes.

"Aye!" Jimin's manager, Ace, shouted across the dime room, breaking him out of his consuming thoughts quickly. Which he was actually glad as hell of for once. He silently thanked the gods from rescuing him from enduring anymore further embarrassing thoughts.

Heaving a sigh, Jimin looked up from the lounge chair he had been plastered on. Fixating his deep eyes across the room where his manager leaned tall against the grim doorway. Ace was an light-skinned muscular male that stood rather impressively tall —practically towering over Jimins smaller frame. Although, that wasn't at all challenging to accomplish since he was neither very tall nor, super muscular in that fact.

"The club is opening in a few. Get your head out of your ass." The managers chest rumbled lightly, as he glared down with dim emerald shade eyes towards at the younger playfully before quietly exiting without waiting for a reply. Jimin presumed he was heading towards the sitting room next to relax. That's where he usually resided.

Pulling his exhausted body up, Jimin dragged himself over to the tall mirror that hung onto the crimson dressing room wall, giving himself a once over of his outfit. His tight leather bottoms sat lowly on his slender hips, while his bare chest glowed as a white faux fur coat sat loosely onto his broad shoulder and, his carmel brown hair sat on his head in light waves messily. Further, dark aortic drawn designs trailed from his abdomen up onto his chest, adding an affect to his dangerously appealing aura. 

Staring into the mirror, Jimin gave his reflection a final certain gaze. Silently approving his supposed smouldering appearance — although, he still shifted uncertainly towards the mirror. He began to drag himself out of the dressing room. Preparing himself for the performance and for the job he enjoyed, yet loathed the most.

Though, there was one thought that still ran furiously throughout Jimin's mind as he shortly climbed the stage. He could already hear the distant continuous hoots and hollers of men as they waited below for the show to resume was in fact: would he ever manage to run into the attractive, mint haired male again?

Well it was only just an common one-night stand. Right?

But little did Jimin know was that hell. He was so wrong.


Probably not my proudest work... But this is my first attempt of a Third-Person story — as I am not very familiar with writing Third-Person Pov, so excuse the MANY possible grammar mistakes I've made throughout this chapter, lol. Though, feel free to point them out so I can improve for y'all :').  Also, I appreciate all sorts of criticism, so don't feel like a bitch if I fuck up on my grammar, or just anything in general wise; just tell my hoe ass off! And I apologize, I know this is a boring and scattered af chapter, I hope y'all can forgive me for now, lmao.

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