Chapter Two.

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T W O.

Call me oppa—"

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Call me oppa—"

Yoongi mentally banged his head off his polished work desk, repeatedly, as memories continually flooded into his mind from the previous night. His lips plastered grimly.

What a burden.

Yoongi moaned gruffly as he lazily slid down into his bleak leather office chair. Carelessly kicking his dark grey pant-clad legs onto his desk where stacks of unfinished paperworks occupied itself. He couldn't be bothered to finish those papers as his mind all seemed to only steer towards the occurrences of the previous night. Not that he ever felt bothered in general to do so though.

He shifted, already becoming frustrated by the newfound bulge that pressed tightly, confined by the front of his pants. All he had to do was picture the cute, dark haired male. It felt like setting fire to his groin. Further, sending himself into complete and utter ecstasy.

The older couldn't help but to mindlessly imagine all the naughty, and rather rated things he could do to the younger. His mind seeped into dark thoughts of what it would feel like to once more to hold the younger males gorgeous, tight ass in his hands as he burred his cock into it — Yoongi couldn't seem to further contain himself as a growl released lowly from the back of his throat. The mere thought of the dark haired male did wonders for arousing him.

Yoongi's whole body ached in desperation to hear the youngers, smooth, musical like voice once again. To feel him shivering, pressed beneath the olders body radiating with heat as he continuously places tender touches and sensual bites against his warm, moist tan skin. Those actions further sending the cute male into mindless fits of moans as he screams out his name all night long in complete bliss.

He needed to feel someone's hot hands on him. On every inch of his body. His whole body screamed and pleaded to be touched somehow -- more specifically, by a special younger who seemed to have captivated his thoughts.


"Mr.min?" Yoongi was snapped out out of his current turmoil. Finding a young female standing shyly, halfway into his opened office doorway. Yoongi slowly darted his eyes across the young girls appearance — her thick rosy rimmed glasses sat on the bridge of her button nose, doing little help of covering the flaming crimson blush that had made way onto her pale, chubby cheeks. Her long midnight hair sat scattered messily over her pale, thin shoulders while she wore a loose colourful sundress that sat loosely onto her petite frame.

She was certainly cute. Yoongi would admit that.

But — she wasn't as such as him.

"Come in, please." Yoongi spoke politely. Shortly gesturing the girl to enter his office, offering a quick reassuring smile. Though in fact, he was rather bored on the inside. The girl abided to the olders orders -- quickly shuffling her tiny feet into the office, though the crimson blush still followed, not leaving her puffy cheeks from the obvious effects of the attractive older CEO. Yoongi paid no mind.

Yoongi admitted he had that affect on women. Surprisingly, some men too even considering the large amount of sensitivity towards the lgbtq+ community in Korea. Cocky he was aware. But that didn't dispute or hide the fact it was true.

Though most women wanted something from Yoongi. Completely opposite than what you'd expect. You'd imagine one would set out to find an loving, supportive husband to than live out a life accompanied by matching beautiful children and relaxation, but no — wealth and a chance of increase in social status seem to drive people's motives far more these day. For complete and utter self-centred and selfish reasons, rather than anything meaningful.

Yoongi was pulled out of his wondering thoughts once more. He blinked back into reality dully as the young girl shyly tapped onto the olders shoulder once again. He raised a dark brow down towards the girl, causing her to blush furiously, once more bringing attention to herself as she played with the hem of her dress nervously, eying the desk embarrassed.

Damn, this girl is like a tomato!

Was it even humanly possible to blush this much!?

Yoongi soon caught drift to the girls unspoken words. Quickly noticing a thick stack of paperworks which now sat gently on his crowded, sleek desk -- adding onto the already overdue, unfinished piles of papers that occupied his desk.

Nodding swiftly down towards the girl, Yoongi shortly gave thanks for delivering his paperwork. Which earned him a silent bow, sending the young girl immediately booting it to the open doorway immensely, nearly tripping over plain air midway in the process, which caused the older to snort silently at the overall shyness of the young girl.

Which lead Yoongi to imagine... What was the dark haired male like? Was he shy, comical, maybe talkative? Possibly a mixture of all. The list could go on forever with the little to none information Yoongi now noticed he held about the younger. Yoongi was immensely curious. Part of him begged for the chance to get to know the younger much more. But sadly, that likely wouldn't ever happened again, due to the certain circumstances. Though he highly doubted even if he was given the chance to be in company with the dark haired boy again, the chances of him being willing to talk to him seemed to dwell on the scale. He was disappointedly sure of himself.

Yoongi cursed himself silently.

How had he let himself get so caught up on thoughts of a silly boy...!? He highly doubted the younger could even remember the previous night; due to fact both of them being very much intoxicated, little lone remember him specifically.

Yoongi let out an audible breath, brining a hand to pull the sleeves of his dress-shirt. He promptly decided on trying to forget the younger. For his sake. Situating himself somewhat comfortably, well as much as possible, Yoongi bought up a long overdue, thick stack of paper into his grasps. His right hand went to work stiffly and began to work itself on the sheets, filling in all the blank pages with the needed information.

Would he ever get a chance to see the mesmerizing boy again...?

Although, little did Yoongi know was that wouldn't be the last time the mesmerizing, dark haired male would further captivate his thoughts.


Horny business man Yoongi huh? (;

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