Chapter Nine.

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N I N E.

"You know, life would be a a lot damn simpler if the universe wasn't out to prod my ass all days of the year?" Yoongi spat, gripping the large printed paper tighter than appeared between his pale grasps

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"You know, life would be a a lot damn simpler if the universe wasn't out to prod my ass all days of the year?" Yoongi spat, gripping the large printed paper tighter than appeared between his pale grasps.

His blank eyes continues to stare through the blurred picture of himself, followed by an unknown drunken women shortly stumbling behind himself on the cover. Disregarding to read the endless comments that followed onto the page after a few, and the multiple supposed witnesses that pressed the fact they witnessed it all, claiming that it was indeed an "act of a personal affair". Which was absolute bullshit and untrue. Yoongi hadn't been in an actual relationship for a good on few years, give or take a few, and plus he just wasn't that type of guy. Beyond possible beliefs. So how it was possible for himself to be caught up in a personal affair was beyond his way of thinking, apparently.


Though, he couldn't pass the press to believe anything plated to them easily. Yoongi could only blame them all so far -- it was still their job. A sick job. But that still didn't mean he wasn't pissed enough to punch someone in the throat at the moment. Not that he really would though, in all seriousness. He wasn't a violent person, normally, just more of a lets-imagine-beating-the-shit-out-of-this-person, type of person. Which usually let out his pent up anger and successfully didn't end him up in a pair of cuffs. Yoongi had it figured out. For the most part, at least.

Yoongi had been sent the piece to look at, regarding an specific "issue" earlier that morning before signing into the building the following evening. Supposedly from an unknown client, as directed from the devil's cunt of a lady at the entrance opening desk. Which he yet to fire.

He had easily figured out the sender that moment. While the person wasn't unknown, well at least not to him in the slightest. Yoongi would gladly sell his ass any day of the week in an heartbeat for that to be the case. Despite his staggering pride, in which one would believe. But due to their continuous history, the person did indeed boil the olders blood. Including braincells in the progress. Way to fucking often.

Locking his stone eyes away from the paper still between his grasp, he settled it down in frustration flat on his sleek stained black desk. Sticking his fists into his tight black khakis, he shifted over to his offices sky view. Staring outside his office window in a daze as he overlooked the bustling Seoul streets in which flickered noisily from other near buildings and the swift traffic below. He disliked cities, well for the most part; they had their pro's, just that they didn't really sedate his flowing anger.

"Wow! calm down Mr. Strong Man," A deep rustling male voice snorted comically from his newly position situated near the doorway, snipping into the olders current turmoil he could tell of. Not that he really cared. Yoongi gritted his teeth right away, nearly bitting his lip at the deep voice that had unknowingly entered without knocking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2018 ⏰

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