Chapter Four.

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F O U R.


A bell rung above Jimin's head, the bell indicating he had entered the small overly vibrant yet cosy cafe. Shades of pastels, specifically blue and pink scattered throughout the tiny cafe. The cafe gave a very childish, yet aesthetically pleasing vibe, which usually attracted costumers. Most specifically to snag a few shots of the beautiful cafe, the extremely delicious foods being a huge plus also.

Jimin adjusted his bag on his slim shoulder, quickly glancing around the currently empty cafe in search of the two owners aka his bosses.

"Good morning, kid." Jimin eyes flung to the deep voice of a familiar tall man struggling to tie a black apron around his waist as he attempted to maneuver around the corner of the backroom while doing so, nearly banging into the wall in the process. Jimin snorted.

"You too." Jimin tossed a smile, walking behind the counter and dropping his work bag down carefully, "So, how's the wife today?" Jimin teased, the man smirked and playfully punched him in the arm. He was about to comment when they were cut off by a snort from the doorway.

"I wasn't aware I was now a women." A shorter male, yet still visibly more taller then Jimin spoke from the doorway. His hand was placed on his waist and an perfect eyebrow was risen towards the two.

"I didn't realize you were standing there Jin, sorry" Jimin shrunk away, sheepishly blushing.

"Obviously," he snorted, yet his eyes playfully glistened, causing Jimin to carefully relax under the olders stare.

Hey! Jin may be a man with an overly obsession towards cooking and the colour pink but he could throw one hell of a punch if needed, although I hadn't experienced it, I'd witnessed it many times towards his overly sarcastic husband, Namjoon.

"And you!" Seokjin pointed a stern finger towards his husband, which who had shrunken back farther into the background from his husbands upcoming wrath.

"Yes, dear?" Namjoon blinked innocently, while smiling sheepishly.

"You know very well, don't play dumb with me mister! we both know fully well what you were planning to say!" Seokjin spoke, placing a hand firmly on his hips while a pastel pink apron was tightly tied around his waist.

"I wasn't aware you could now read minds." Namjoon snorted, rolling his eyes carelessly.

"Ya, and I wasn't aware that you could possibly break everything in a five foot ratios of yourself, yet you still manage it every time, huh." Seokjin threw back snarly. Namjoon pouted, crossing his arms across his chest.

"You asked for it, don't wreck yourself boo." Seokjin smirked, playfulness sparking his dark eyes. Namjoon grumbled, elbowing him lightly in the side, causing Seokjin to shake his head and chuckle at his husbands childishness.

People may see the couples relationship from first view as "dysfunctional" because of the way they constantly argued with each other, or rather "disgusting" if your a bigoted fuck. But you could tell they truly loved each other, and would never want to cause harm on one another, despite all the childish bickering they may of did. Jimin had learned that easily from working at the couples cafe over the years.

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