Meet The Prince and The Princess

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The fight was finished and now, Azumi is gone. But wait, how about Queen Annika? Will she join this war? Or will she just work under her schemes?

Whispers and murmurs could be heared all around Rapier Kingdom. As one said, the issing prince has come back.

"IT IS TRUE! PRINCE SAITO HAS COME BACK!" the baker at Yvonne's bakeshoppe announced upon seeing Prince Saito.

Girls started to fangirl around Saito.


"Prince Saito, MARRY ME!!"

"Prince Saito is mine!"

"No he's mine!"

The elite troops and army of Rapier Castle then comes and handles all the people of Rapier to refrain from crowding along Prince Saito.

Gaia along with the other members of Rapier's Elite Knights, ushers Saito through Rapier Castle. It seems like, people are enchanted by the return of the missing prince but one question still lingered in the minds of all the citizens of Rapier; "Where is Princess Senya?"



Golden Metal doors pened and revealed a majestic view; A view in which a royalty should enjoy.

"Welcome Back, Oji-sama/Bocchan/Saito-sama, " Maids, Butlers, Servants and other peope within the reach of King jason greeted and bowed their heads to Saito.

"Prince Saito, King JAson is expecting you at the local library, " Mikael popped up from nowhere, gesturing Saito. The latter then nodded, and followed Mikael.



Saito walked in, and directed his gaze at the lone king sitting and reading a novel.

"Father, "

Jason closed his book and looked at Saito as an acknowledgement. "I' glad to see you doing well, son." He flashed a bright smile that made Saito's rage to a higher level.

"What on Earth? Father, I've just been gone for years and look, THIS FAMILY IS RUINED."

"Where have you learned raising your voice in your father? YOu've got no manners at all."

"I don' care about common ettiquettes. I've got no time for that. You are coming with me along with Annika towards Senya. I can't believe you. Look at her, even though she ran away from the castle, she still came back here for the sake of peace!"

Saito could not control hiself and commanded KING Jaosn.


Back to Senya and the others~~

Another crisis. could endeavors stop going thru Riane and Senya's way?

"Dino-sensei! What happened to the barrier that was supossed to surround the castle?!" Riane asked worry evident in her eyes. Dino frowned; it made the guardian's hopes loom over.

"It wasn't supposed to be taken off, no matter the techniques or spells that we use...but..."

Dino tried his best, but still,  he could not mask the problem with his common solutions./

Riane understood quickly and her reflexes as a leader came out.

"Everyone, Back Off!" Riane shouted. "Go and evacuate all of the villagers!" She slowly made a stance and casted a spell.

Tainted Soul (KHR)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon