Final Decision And Kei Has A Sister?!

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Riane's POV

We ran and ran, hoping to find where the balcony is located. We hurriedly went upstairs and saw Senya at the balcony, I think she's thinking about something important, judging the state she's in.

"Senya! Why are you here?" I questioned her. She averted her eyes from the ground and looked directly at me.

"Say, do you think I can handle this kingdom?" She asked weakly.

"Of course you can!" My brother compliments her, but still, she smiled weakly.

"But the problem is, how can I rule this kingdom if I'm studying at VOngola High? How could I handle those two? Besides, my act of rebellion, I still have to fill in some documents or else, Rapier will have an uproar coming." She reasoned out. Come on Riane! Think of something!

Gokudera's POV

I learned about SEnya's problem. Tch that woman!

"Tch. WEll, who the hell cares about that?!" I said.


"Choose whatever you want to be!" DId I just gave her an advice? O.o Sheesh, she really has an effect on me!. Damn woman..!

"What? To be a normal student? Or continue to rule this kingdom?" I said once again. Shit! MY mouth's moving on its own!

"I....want to be with you guys..." She said.

"Well, case closed! You're coming with us!" Kei said. Interjecting freak.

Senya's POV

'Yes, I want to be with you guys, but at the same time, be with my family, friends, and people in this kingdom. I won't let another corrupt human conquer this place again. I ahte that and that's the last thing I want to happen.'

I thought. Things are getting hard..

"Well, let's go! The execution's going to start!" Akinari came out of nowhere.


Execution Grounds, SENYA's POV.

"People of Rapier! This queen you have known is a fallen one! She neither fit in royalty nor aristocracy. She needs to be executed, her purpose here in Rapier is fake!" The prime minister announced.

People roared and roared.

"Ushishishi~ This is going to be fun, " SO the psycho himself speaks up. Sadistic idiot.

"I-I don't think so, BEl.." Riane stammered.

"Now, the queen who blinded the king, the knights and us shall be held in execution!" People roared again.



What the? All this time, they had anger for Annika?

"Then it shall start now!" The prime minister said. He left and Kaijo, the executioner came in, holding his axe in his back.

He then held Annika's head, preparin it for execution.

"NO! DON'T KILL ME PLEASE! DEAR! LET ME EXPLAIN!" Annika begged, but to no avail. She was not able to pursuade King JAson anymore.

Kaijo then proceeded as Father ignored Annika's pleas.

Everyone closed their eyes except for those who were brave enough to watch the said execution.


The Next Day, Jason's POV

"Saito, could you go and call your sister?" I asked him. He nodded in response.

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