Best Friends!

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Right now, I'm kind of stalking Riane. What! I really want her to be my friend! If possible, bestfriend! Damn it, stop staring at me! (Who is she talking to?)

"A-Ano, I'm sorry M.M-san if I broke your flute back then.." Riane said. Hey...wait a seconnnd.. Why would Riane apologize to her! She was bullied so why? I don't really get this girl.

"I"m really getting sick of you!" M.M shouted at her. My blood boiled and I feel like pulling her hair.

Well, you can't blame for that, she always irritates me and whenever I see her, I just get so irked up.

Riane remained silent for a while.I was about to save her when M.M interrupted my attempt.

"Fine then. Just don't ever do that again or else I will never forgive you, " she threatened. Oh...atleast she shows mercy.

"Thank you M.M-san!" She was about to take her leave when M.M grasped her hair and hels a pair of scissor.

I sense madness.. What is going on?

Mist surrounded her and she was transported to M.M's back. "Did you really think I'll fall for that lousy traps of yours?" she mocked.

Wao. She's pretty fierce.

"Wow~, " she said in a sing-song voice while stroking M.M's hair. "Your hair is so short..Do you want me to make it shorter?" She said. Damn, she's pretty scary.

"HELP!" she screamed. Ughh..! She's such a Drama bum! No, A Drama Queen!

Mist once again surrounded her but it's not her doing. People started to crowd in the hallways. I walked closer to M.M and asked her:

"M.M what happened?" I asked. Riane backs away and she looks like as if "I knew it. Senya-san is on her side". Oh no...What am I going to do?

"Riane tried to kill me!" she reasoned out. oh come on! she was just about to cut that hair of yours!.

"What kind of prank is this?! She's not a killer! Vongola High doesn't accept killers and you know that very well!. I"m losing my patience M.M so stop it before I report you directly to the guidance office." I told her. She stiffened a bit.

I saw Riane sigh. Phew. atleast she won't look at me the other way around.

"I....I'm not lying!"

"VOIII!!! What's happening here! Is it that woman's doing!!" Squalo appeared.

"YES!".. Damn,they are all on  M.M's side.

"Tch. Let me teach that girl a lesson!"

"Kufufu. I'll jon this one. " Mukuro said.

I tried to stop them but failed. Instead, I followed the trail of mist and found Riane, Chrome, and Fran.

I hesitated. Maybe I'll leave them alone for the meantime..











"You guys! WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU BELIEVE M.M?!" I was trying to convince them.

"VOII! Then if that new student didn't do it,why was M.M wounded?! Besides, M.M said--"

"She's a drama actress.." Chrome?

Tainted Soul (KHR)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon