Battle Commence!

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A/N: Okay this is mostly Senya's POV so I'll just change POVS when needed. For now, whenever you see I, it immediately means Senya'sPOV. kayy thanks!



Damn, the battle is tomorrow. For now, I'll have to train first.

I went back to our dorm and started train there.I'm so lucky I'm alone at my dorm.

I trained first with my whip. Dino-nii taught me how to use it properly. Yeah he did, even though he is clumsy when none of his subordinates is around.

I imagined someone with a sword was fighting me. I wish Squalo would be my opponent. YAP! I wan't to fight a shark. LOL.

Damn... No matter what I do, I'm still better at Archery.. Haku taught me all I need to know.. He's a very skilled archer.. Good thing he was also a knight. 



IT's finally the day of the battle..I hope we will win. Vongola High supported this fight. I wonder why?

The Cervello will handle us. I know we can do it.

"Now, we will explain the battle," one of the Cervello said.

"Half of the school will be used as a battlefield. Teachers have agreed upon the situation and approved the usage since it's just natural and was necessary for training, "one explained.

"Here are the rules, " one started. "If Riane Daisuke loses,she will stay being in Rank 10 for 4 years. If Mukuro, Xanxus, Squalo, and M.M loses, Riane will be transferred to Rank 1 depending on her skills and abilities," the other one continued.

"Lal Mirch, Reborn, and Senya's brother, Dino Cavallone will be your spectators, " one continued. I hope Dino-nii won't be disappointed in my skills. I sighed.

"Everyone has their designated areas and will have their own opponents, " Cervello No. 1 said. Hehehe.. I can't think of anything to describe them. It's like their twins.. XD

"Battle Start!" they both said in unison.

"Riane-chan, Chrome-chan, Fran-kun, GOOD LUCK!" I said to the three.

"Thank You, Senya-chan, " Riane said.


I am now here in the warehouse. I walked in and..

"VOIIIIII!!!!! SO you are my opponent! Not Bad!" Squalo remarks, while showing a Cheshire Smile. 

He made a 'ready-to-fight' stance while I released my whip. He attacked first, but I doged it freely with my whip blocking his sword.

"VOIIII! A whip just like the bronco?!"

I ignored him and continued to fight when I heard huge explosions.In addition, sky flames which are Xanxus's Flame of Wrath.

XANXUS?? ~_~


Shihai shi shihai sare hito-tachi wa

Itsuka sono kokoro ni nikushimi o

Soshite aisuru koto o omoidasezu

Arasou no?"

The song reached the warehouse. Riane eh? She's good. I started to gain confidence and powerful. This is bad. I need to restrain myself or else I'll go out of control.

Tainted Soul (KHR)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon