10.4 Finally Outside

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  I was leaning against the wall, arms crossed with the shotgun on my side, watching Kat crouched down against the opposite wall and Gavin was pacing back and forth.

Kat let out a sighed, "Hey, Gavin?" She asked. Gavin looked at her and walked over to her and crouched beside her, "Yeah?" He asked. "If we make it out of here alive . . ." She started and looked at up, "We are so breaking up."

I smirked while Gavin just stared at her. He opened his mouth to say something, but then a noise was heard around the corner and I immediately grabbed the shotgun from the side.

I hold it up and took a few steps to the corner as Kat and Gavin got up and stood behind me, "Did you hear that?" Kat asked, scared.

"Something's coming," Gavin said and I shushed them both. I was ready to fire if it was a ghost. But then Dean walked around the corner.

I lowered the shotgun. "What are you still doing here? Where's Sam?" Dean asked me. "He went to the basement. You called him," I replied, frowning. "I didn't call anybody," My brother said.

"He said it was you," I said. "Basement, huh?" Dean asked and I frowned. He grabbed the bag and took some extra weapons, "Alright." He stood up and looked at me, "Keep them safe," He said and walked away.

I was leaning again against the wall, watching Kat was crouched down against the opposite wall again and Gavin was leaning beside me against the wall.

I didn't knew why but . . . I had a bad feeling. Then, we heard a noise again at the corner and all of a sudden, a ghost of a woman came. I grabbed the shotgun and aimed it on her as Kat and Gavin quickly stood behind me.

The woman didn't do anything and I frowned as she just stared at me. Then, she took a step closer, "Shoot, Scarlett, shoot!" Gavin said. "Wait," I said as I lowered the shotgun. The woman leaned towards me and whispered in my ear, "Your brothers are in danger."

My eyes grow wide and she turned around and walked to the corner. She turned to me for a moment before walking off. I turned to Kat and Gavin, "Can either of you handle a shotgun?"

"What? No!" Gavin said but then Kat said, "I can." He looked at her in amazement and she shrugged, "My Dad took me skeet shooting a coupla times." I handed her the shotgun, "Alright, here. It's loaded with rock salt. It may not kill a spirit, but it will repel it. So if you see something, shoot."

"Okay," She said, nodding. "'kay," I said and ran off towards where the basement was. I ran to the basement, looking for Sam and Dean. Then, I heard noises at the room and ran inside just in time to see Ellicott on top of Dean, his hands on his face lighting up.

"Don't be afraid. I'm going to help you. I'm going to make you all better," Ellicott said. I saw the bag with a lighter there and quickly rushed to the bag and grabbed the lighter. I flicked it and Ellicott's attention snapped at me.

I tossed the lighter at the body before he could do anything and the body started to burn. Ellicott let go of Dean and my brother crawled out of the way and we watched as the ghost turned black and fall to the ground, crumbling on impact.

I rushed over to Dean and he looked at me, "Thanks sis," He said and I smirked. Then, Sam woke up and looked at us. "You're not going to try and kill me, are ya?" Dean asked him and I frowned. "No," Sam said. "Good," Dean said and Sam raised his hand to push his jaw. "Because that would be awkward." And with that I helped them both up, "I don't want to know."


We finally got outside the building. Kat and Gavin stood side by side in front of us outside the Asylum in front of the Impala and their car.

"Thanks, guys," Kat said. "Yeah. Thanks," Gavin said as he nodded. "No more haunted asylums, okay?" Dean said and they nodded.

We watched as Kat and Gavin walked towards their car. Then we turned to the Impala. "Hey, Dean?" Sam started and Dean and I turned to him. "I'm sorry, man. I said some awful things back there."

"You remember all that?" Dean asked. "Yeah. It's like I couldn't control it. But I didn't mean it, any of it," Sam said. Dean looked doubtful, "You didn't, huh?" Sam frowned, "No, of course not," He insisted. "Do we need to talk about this?"

"No," Dean said, shaking his head and placed the bag on the back seat, "I'm not really in the sharing and caring kinda mood. I just wanna get some sleep." He climbed inside the driver seat and started the engines. "Me too," I agreed and climbed inside the back seat. Sam climbed inside the passenger seat.


I woke up by Dean's phone ranging. I sighed tiredly and grabbed his phone from the end of the table and checked the number. I frowned and flipped it open and answered, "Hello?" There wasn't an answer. "Hello?"

"Hey, baby girl."

My eyes grow wide and I sat straight up in the bed. After a moment, I was able to let the word came out of my mouth,


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