15.2 Taken

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Scarlett POV
"Scar? Scar, wake up." 

I jerked awake, looking around. I was inside a cage. "Scar?" I looked to my left and saw Sam, inside a cage too. "Sam? What's going on?" I asked. "I'm not sure," He replied. "You okay? Are you hurt?"

"I don't know," I replied. I rattled the bars of the cage and noticed a man asleep in a cage in front of us. Sam tried to kick down the door of his cage, but it didn't work. The man groaned and woke up.

"Hey, you're alive," I stated and he groaned again. "Hey, you okay?" Sam asked. "Does it look like I'm doin' okay?" The man snapped. I narrowed my eyes at him, "No need to be rude. Where are we?"

"I don't know. The country, I think. Smells like the country," He replied. "You're Alvin Jenkins, aren't you?" Sam asked. "Yeah," He replied. "We were lookin' for ya," Sam said.

"Oh, yeah?" Jenkins asked. "Yeah," I snapped. "Well, no offense, but this is a piss-poor rescue," Jenkins said. "Well, our brother's out there right now, too," Sam said. "He's lookin' for us. So --"

"So, he's not gonna find us," Jenkins cut him off. "We're in the middle of nowhere." He nodded towards the door leading into the building, "Waiting for them to come back and do God knows what to us."

"What are they? Have you seen them?" I asked. "What are you talking about?" Jenkins asked, looking at us like we crazy. "Whatever's got us, what'd they look like?" Sam asked.

"See for yourself," Jenkins said and then the door to the building opened and two men wearing black coats and hats walked in. One man walked over to Jenkins's cage and kicked the side of it. Jenkins moved back into the corner. The other man got to a panel of buttons attached to a pole in the middle of the room. He inserted a key into the panel and twisted it. Jenkins's cage unlocks and the men entered.

"Leave me alone! Don't you take me, leave me alone!" Jenkins yelled. The men placed a plate of food in front of Jenkins and then walked out the cage and walked over to the panel. One of the men twisted the key again and removed it, which locked the cage.

They left, and Jenkins devoured his food. "I'll be damned. They're just people," I whispered. "Yeah. What'd you expect?" Jenkins asked.

"How often do they feed you?" Sam asked. "Once a day. And they use that thing over there to open the cage," Jenkins replied, pointing to the panel. Sam and I stared at it for a moment then glanced at each other before Sam looked back at Jenkins, "And that's the only time you see 'em?"

"So far. But I'm waitin'," Jenkins said and Sam and I looked at him confused. "Waitin' for what?" I asked as Sam moved stood and began to move across his cage. "Ned Beatty time, man," Jenkins said. I scoffed, "I think that's the least of your worries right now."

"Oh, yeah?" He asked. "Yeah," I said. "What do you think they want, then?" Jenkins asked as Sam reached through the top of his cage and grabbed a long metal wire stretching from the top of the pole to the ground. He tried to pull it down, "Depends on who they are."

"They're a bunch of psycho hillbilly rednecks, if you ask me. Lookin' for love in all the wrong places," Jenkins said. Sam continued to pull on the wire. It gradually started to detach from the pole.


Third Person POV
It was night as Dean and Kathleen drive in the Sheriff's car. After they lined the noise and the car together, they both decided to follow up on every traffic to see where the kidnappers were heading.

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