Two - The Maroon Gang

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No one can tell you what you can be. If anyone can, then that's you.


It was dark. I couldn't see anything.

I saw a glimpse of light. "Welcome to my place." He said. I entered his little fortress home. It was okay. It was messy but it was okay.

"Guys, come on out! We have a guest!" I heard him say. Guys? There are others? I wonder who else lives with him. Then, three other people came out of what looked like their rooms.

"Hm...who are you?" Asked another guy.

"You look.....girly." A girl said, making a grossed out face.

"Hey there." A dorky looking girl said.

The guy who I first saw looked at me. "State your name." I shivered. It was late night and it was cold.

"I'm Avalon Gryffin." I said. They huddled up. Then the second guy I saw came to me. "Where ya from Avalon." He asked.

"I left home. I used to live in Oakland Park. That's in Dallas." I was annoyed. I wanted to know why that dude brought me here. "So why'd you bring me here?" I couldn't wait any longer! I wanted to just know why I was here.

"You're pretty impatient." The girl with the grossed out face said.

The dude who brought me here called his friends. After about what seemed like forever, he approached me. "I'm Zac. That's Seth, Jordi, and Hanna. I brought you here because you have potential. You were fierce to someone who scared the daylights out of you. You are the person we need." I was confused. What does Zac mean by need?

"What do you mean?" Jordi came over to me. "We need to be five in order to complete our group. And you're the missing piece." I broke free from her grasp. She was amazingly strong. They brought me to their little sanctuary. There, they stored their prized possessions.

That night, Zac talked to Hanna about something. She was neutral. Hanna seemed cool yet she was like those dorky girls in movies. Hanna headed towards me. "Come with me." I stood up and followed her.

"This is the Roof. Here, we can see everything! From Mount Marsh's Candy Shoppe to Pamela's Pet Emporium." Her emerald eye glistened in the night sky. "So, um...why do you have the Roof?" She seemed to have flashbacks because it seemed like she didn't hear me. I asked her again which snapped her out. "Oh um. Well, you see we're street kids. This makes us poor. So we need to know locations of the best stores in town." I knew what she meant. They had the Roof so they can locate stores which they can steal food and others from. I smiled at Hanna. There was something about her that made me trust her.

Days past and I spent every day with them. One day, we decided to name our little group.

"What about 'Seth and the Others."

"No way! I like 'The Band of Mischief'."

"You're crazy! There's already a gang called 'The Band of Mischief'!!"

"Whatevs. It's not like 'Seth and the Others' are better."

Hanna and I sat down. Seth and Jordi were arguing about what name our group should have. I wanted to help but my ideas are terrible!

"They always argue." I looked at Hanna. "I can see that. I've been here for 10 months and all I saw from them were arguments." We laughed. I thought of something but I didn't think it was a good name. I over walked to Zac. "Hey." He turned to me with his serious face. "What do you need?" He seemed annoyed. Why though? "How about The Maroon Gang?" He stared at me. "Of all names, why that?" He started laughing. "We live in the alleyway of Marooners St." I looked at him. "I'm serious."

He called the others. He told them that our gang name is The Maroon Gang. Ever since, then, we would steal food, scare away other gangs and grab their loot.

All was well until the invitation we found.

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