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                                                                      The Intro

Hey!……………..So I guess I’m supposed to introduce myself, uh….. my name’s Shana Elizabeth Watson, I’m 15 years old, I’m 5ft and 3 inches tall, I have blue eyes and waist length black hair, I go to a catholic all girl’s school, I think I’m popular, not because I’m pretty or rich or anything, I’m something of a class clown, so the more goofy I act, the more popular I become, that’s the weird part, 2 years back nobody  knew my name, except for my friends of course………I was the bookworm who didn’t speak to people unless they came to me, not because I was a snob, I was just shy……….after a few embarrassing experiences, I learnt that the only way to get people to notice me was to make them notice me, now I have more friends than most people.………,and  you’re probably thinking that my life’s perfect huh? Believe me, no teenager’s life is ever perfect.

If I had to list my problems, the list wouldn’t fit into this diary that you’re currently reading, but my top 3 would be,

1: I don't know the real me

When you’re a teenager, you’re social status depends on what everyone thinks of your boyfriend, not that I agree, but everyone wants to fit in right?

2: I don’t know the real me!

Alright, I agree, every teenager feels this way at some point of their “teenhood” and I’m no different,  I can’t tell if I’m the fantasy loving, anime watching, bookworm that I used to be or if I’m the somewhat arrogant, fantasy loving, anime watching, gossipy self-proclaimed weirdo that I am now….

3: I’m afraid of telling people what I really think or want!

I’m one of those people who does things the way other’s do it because I’m afraid of standing out, I know I said I’m a class clown and all, believe me I am, I’ll give you an example to show you what I mean, once, my friends and me went to this cool new café, and all of them ordered the low fat vanilla flavoured soy milkshake, I hate soy!, and yet I ended up getting that cursed “soyshake”  because I didn’t want to be known as “the girl who wasn’t afraid to eat” or drink for that matter.

I prefer to go with the flow even if the flow isn’t taking me where I want it to.

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