Work Battles

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Cookie POV

-A Couple Of Months Later-

      I was walking into the agency and was upset, Lu and I had a argument because he got a mission and we were supposed to work on it together but he was acting funny so we worked separately.So as I was driving he cut me off on my exit and I got agitated so I subtly bumped his car and sped off.So then we were working a mission about a man who sells call girls and can kill them if they don't do well.So to go undercover then he had to play a potential buyer and I an escort.Yeah i was pissed and then some girls were drooling all over him so I was like wtf?especially because he was happy and didn't seem to care.So I left and then end up walking around and into some men now these men were fineeee.But that doesn't mean I was gonna do anything but I could see Luscious staring so then I decided to fuck with him and as they told me jokes I started laughing and then he got mad and left.I tried to follow after him but he was gone too fast.By the time I got home he was pouting on the bed so I rolled him over and got in my bed and now that brings you to now.

    I strut to my desk in our shared office since Chief thought we were the "best" partners he decided to have us share a bigger office due to him not wanting to give the new guy a office when he had just quit the rival company.More about trust than budget though.So I have on a red bralette and skintight leather leggings and some red bottom heels, along with that I had my ringlets cascading down my back and was wearing a leather crop jacket along with Armani sunglasses.I finally arrive at my door and sigh I know he's in there and this is gonna be a long or frustrated day!I walk in and I see Terrence doing mission control on his computer,doesn't even glance my way Okay then.I walk over to my desk that sadly faces him and ignore his staring that is burning a hole in my skull.I  cut on my computer and start doing paper work since Terrence hasn't finished it for the last mission.I look up and see his hazel eyes staring right back at me.I look for a bit then glance down ,"Hey"I mumble seeing him took a bit of the anger off and now its more sadness but I won't admit that..

Luscious POV

She looks beautiful and very tempting but I can't tell her that I'm supposed to be angry at her but I can't stay mad for long.But I want her to talk to me it's just seeing her with those guys just pissed me off like how could she be flirting with them like that.I could tell it was for revenge but I ain't do nothing not intentionally I miss her talking to me damn I'm sprung..but I miss my boo.

Cookie POV

I miss him lowkey but I can't admit it I'm supposed to be mad but I just he hurt me talking with that hoe ass escort like am I not enough??Tears start falling down my face as I think about it and I run out not even bothering to cover my face from's not like he'll care anyway...I just I gotta get out of here and save myself the heartbreak.He won't even try to find me he'll probably be glad i'm gone.I run to my car and hop in.Damn I shoulda brought a sweater cuz it is December but whatever I got this jacket.I wipe the tears off my face and drive to my safe house that I hope Luscious forgot about.I wipe my face because my vision gets blurry and I feel light-headed and I try to clear my head.I look at the speedometer and see I'm going 85 mph and I hope to God I'm getting close and mu phone starts ringing it starts playing You're So Beautiful by Terrence Howard[;)]and I automatically know it's him like ugh I don't even wanna hear his lies or reasons why he can't do it anymore so I pull over and hit the voice icon and have siri type;

"I know you don't want me anymore but I-I can't bear to hear you say it Lu look I'm not even mad anymore it's just seeing you with that hoe ass thottie made me feel like I wasn't enough so I pretended to laugh and flirt to make you jealous..I know you won't care anyways but I had to get this off my chest and yeah I'll always love you frfr always you mean the world to me but I'll get outta your hair..Bye Luscious Lyon

      XOXO,Cookie Holloway,your old love 

As much as that was heartwrenchingly painful I have to send it..I won't be the woman that traps a man into a relationship he doesn't want to be in.Even if my heart is shattering all the while the text is sending and when it hit sent my heart dropped and crumbled to a million pieces what's done is done....

I finally head off and pull into the highway and in minutes I make it to the safehouse and lock the car as I pull out my phone cutting off the gps and wifi so that Luscious can make my humiliation even worse.He's probably smiling at his phone in our well his office now jumping up and crying from joy from being able to be free from well  me ..Ugh I wish this had turned out different and my heart isnt breaking.I lock the door and decide to leave the curtains open who cares the only person who knows where this is is well Luscious and he wouldn't come to me.I start to feel alot of pain in my heart and spots blacken my vision,oh god please don't let it be my time.I try to steady my breathing but then black spots fill my vision and all i feel is falling in slow motion before I'm out like a light..

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