What is this that I feel,
I feel I can't trust my best friend ,
who has been there for me always
she has never betrayed me or I her.
I feel like she doesn't care, but she does
I feel like I don't mean anything to her
like others have replaced me as her BFF.
What did I do wrong,
Was I not there for you,
Did I do something wrong
what was it?
I call you my mom not because
you act like the mothers I worship
No I call you that because
You are my rock that holds me down.
When someone asks who is my BFF,
I say you
Hands down, no questions asked.
Because that's what you are
I just wish that's who I was for you.
The Poems I can't Deny
PoetryPoems about things that are real to me and must be shared.