Dear Scott

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I was awoken by a crash in the kitchen I think. Getting up to see what the commotion I noticed that Scott had made a mesh. "Oh my Scott what have you been up to!"

"Nothing, Iris"

"Really, look at this place! It looks like a hurricane came in while I was sleeping."

"Well I can explain . . ."

"Really how so?"

"Well it started with me wanting to do something nice for you-"

"Are you crazy, Scott you never are nice to me."

"Well, you've been working hard and stuff."

"Go on . . ."

"Well i'm sorry for not being a nice person to ya."

"And how did making a mesh fit in it?"

"Well I know you make you us food, and I was gonna make us some food."

"Really Scott you know it would've been easier if you told me that instead of this you know."

"Yeah I didn't think of that . . ." while scratching his neck looking like a lost puppy."

"Come here you deserve a hug from trying so hard for me."

"Really ?" his bright eyes widening as his smile also started to form."

"Yes now get over her before I change my mind." he ran over to me as quick as the flash. But I don't understand why though. We never had gotten along. But maybe this is the start.

We were supposed to leave England at 10:00 p.m. so we planned to spend the day together. Sight seeing and such. There was so much to see and I think this was the beginning of a friendship.

We had reached Big Ben when I had asked Scott, "can we go to eat now?"

"Yeah but look right here" and I did the light of poles had started to make the tower we snuck into glow. The colors were radiating off the walls.

"Wow this is so . . ."

"Yeah it is isn't it." with his charming smile on his face. His dimples popping out.

"Well let's eat" I was snapped out of thought.

Scott had taken me to a pitie dinner across Ben. It was nice and snug. I didn't complain though. surprise , surprised Scott sat beside me. By the time we left it was time to head to the airport. We took our seats I ended up leaning my head on his shoulder and going into the darkness that consumed me. 

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