Chapter 2

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Sky took a last shaky breath as she began to see the opening of the airport. The airport was definitely unreasonably busy, which meant that it would be unreasonably harsh to find her step mother. She played with her hands trying to keep them from trembling, switching her suitcase hand to hand to help settle her nerves. The act didn't help much, but sky had told herself that it had. Her heart was starting to beat hard, so fast that it might had even stopped right then and there. She'd just drop in the opening to the gate.

She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw a girl holding a sign uninterested that said 'Skilr' . As the girl that looked about two years older was scrolling through her phone smacking her gum, which made her resemble to a mean girl in a movie. Sky looked shocked and confused as to how young her step mother was, but then someone stepped right in front of sky's face. The older woman reminded her of a women that was going through her mid life crisis, dressing to young for her age. Sky took a step back to get a closer look at the lady. Her lips were tugged down as if the woman hadn't smiled in a while, and she wasn't a big fan of it either. She raised her eyebrow studying the slightly shorter girl.

Sky took this chance to study the woman as well. She had a square shaped face that pointed out slightly. Her lips were full and chapped, a little to big if you would ask sky. Her eyes were blue like her own, but unlike sky's were more of a dulled or dim blue rather than electric. Her eyes were also small and folded, dark bags had formed under her eyes over the years. Her dark brown hair, which the color was only apparent because of the close proximity that they were in, was parted straight down the middle. Her wrinkled face that she had tried to cover with concealer made her face slump and bent over. After a while of awkward silence the older woman spoke up.

"Well, I take it that you are the Skylar I've heard much about?" The woman said it as more of a statement rather than a question. "Your mother described you just as you are." She smirked slightly and motioned towards the girls sky spotted previously. "Come, you must meet your sisters." Sky froze

My mother hadn't told me about sisters! She sighed as the thought crossed her nonstop mind. This is going to be a lot harder than she anticipated.

"This is Blaire, she's the oldest." The girl with her phone glanced up and furrowed her eyebrows, which made Sky very uneasy. This girl had  a longer, but skinnier face. Her lips were a lot smaller than her mothers and her cheekbones seemed as if you were to touch them they'd cut your finger. Just as sky had thought that she hadn't been related to her step mother she looked at her eyes. They were dark pools of brown that stared into your sole, just like her mothers had. Her eyebrows started lower then rose slightly and went back down again. She also has the dark brown hair of her mother. She was a skinnier girl, and she wore a white tank top covered with a leather jacket. Tight black jeans which cause Sky to wander how she moved, and black combat boots. She also was wearing a beanie and hipster glasses.

"This is Ivy, she's the youngest." This was the girl that held up the sign. Ivy had similar features as presented on Sky. She had thick and ravishing red locks that were naturally curvy, but like her sister, shared the same brown pools. Her eyes were more a lighter chocolate, and they had a bigger shape like sky's had been. Her lips were a mix between her sisters and her mothers. She then smiled showing her dimples. Her face shape was more wide and long like Sky's. It was quite obvious that ivy was the girlier one out of the bunch because she wore a bow, a flowery dress with a similar jacket as her sister. Black high heels to finish the outfit off.

Scanning the girls in front of her caused Sky to evaluate herself in a way she hadn't before. Thick, Red hair in a braid. Her mom always said she had eyes from another planet because they were bluer than the sky itself, in fact that's why her name had been Skylar. Even the doctors said that they hadn't seen eyes as beautiful as hers, that she was switched with another child. At least that was the story. Sky wore a white sweatshirt that quotes 'not all those who wander are lost.' She wore black leggings and white converse with black laces. She hadn't been very motivated to have too much of an impressive outfit. As said before, she was in a daze and reality was only convenient at the moment.

Great first impression Sky, now they probably think your a loser. Sky smiled awkwardly at both of the girls. She wasn't going to lie Blaire was staring lasers through every inch of sky's body. Ivy smiled greatly, but Sky, being very broadly skilled at reading others, could tell that this girl was studying her more than her sister and mother combined. This family looked very intimidating, and it made Sky more uneasy than she was before.

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