Chapter 4

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This apartment complex was just, wow. Not the 'wow' factor expected to come out of sky's father. They obviously made a big deal on the modern aspect. They just didn't try to get it right. The building, to add to her worries, wasn't very homie at all. Not even in the slightest bit possible.The outsides bricks were, well falling apart. If they weren't corroded, they were either stuck with gum or dug into by animals.

What really made sky's skin crawl was that everyone was taking their fair share of glances. None of these people seemed to be like the ones at home. They wouldn't come up to you with a big toothy grin and yell 'howdy.' Yet these people looked like if sky gave them the wrong glance they wouldn't give a second thought about giving her a butt whooping.

"Home sweet home. Get your bags Clouds." Blaire spit out while crossing her arms and standing next to sky. She glanced to the side. Blaire can't be that bad of a person. Just then she took a step back and a van came and zoomed passed us. Spraying water everywhere, including sky's outfit. Resulting Sky to her first impression of Blaire, nasty. "Oh, the people aren't nice, and neither are the water on the streets." Blaire announced as she shoved a box of sky's stuff in her stomach causing her to retreat a slight bit.

Sky groaned and tried to march her way into the building. Even if she couldn't see for the life of her. She bumped into someone and fell down to the ground. Letting an 'oof' pop out of her mouth.

"O-M-G I'm super sorry." The feminine voice stammered as Sky rubbed the back of her head.

"It's all good." Sky's eyes adjusted to the girl who was picking up the remainder of the spilled items. She was blonde and skinny. Reminded her of Barbie actually, but as she turned around the girls welcoming face made the depressing lobby light up. To her surprise, Sky smiled back, even if the smile was forced by both girls in embarrassment. The girl was a tall blonde with freckles and a dimple on her left cheek that was more then visible then the right. Her eyebrows, were very well trimmed. She was wearing a white blouse. Slightly faded black jeans and white converse.

"Not to be rude, but if I were you I would get off the floor." She giggled slightly as sky looked at the ground and stood up fast shuddering. "You never know how well people keep up with apartments in New York." She extended her hand " Ashlyn Brooke's." Sky shook her hand.

"Skylar Armstrong." She smiled, Sky picked her boxes back up and turned to Ashlyn.

"So do you live here? I haven't seen you around." Ashlyn asked politely as she took two boxes off sky's hands and motioned her to start walking.

"Just moving in actually, my mom sent me out here with no explanation and no idea of what I was dealing with," Sky tilted her head towards Blaire who was waiting by the elevator impatiently. Ashlyn followed her eyes.

"Rough," Ashlyn muffled as she followed Sky to the elevator. They stood in there awkwardly. Blaire pushed a button that wasn't visible to Sky and they were silent from then on. The elevator music screeched in their ears causing Sky to squint her eyes in pain. Blaire and Ashlyn didn't even seem to move a muscle. Must be a trait you develop from living in New York for as long as they've seemed too.

Sky started to trot out of the elevator when she noticed a shift on the weight indicating that they'd reached their destination. Ashlyn decided to not continue with her questions, so Sky took her chance.

"So, what brought you to New York?" Sky questioned tossing the boxes slightly in the air to adjust her grip.

"Really rich parents and an overwhelming sibling." Ashlyn rolled her eyes in response.

"Rough," Sky repeated Ashlyn's previous words in a playful way. Ashlyn let out a slight laugh and they stopped when they turned their head to notice that they'd lost Blaire. Sky groaned in response as she set down the boxes to scan the area of a familiar brunette, but came up empty.

"Here let's stop by my place," Ashlyn mentioned in response. Sky nodded in agreement and they picked up the boxes and moved on. Sky had picked them up in a different way than before, specifically on her sides, so she could see ahead of her because if she lost Ashlyn then she was down right screwed.

Much nicer on the inside than out. Sky thought to herself. Ashlyn hummed in response, telling Sky they shed said it aloud. After a few more twists and turns they finally arrived.

"Voilà, Casa de Ashlyn." After Ashlyn set down the boxes she gestured towards the door that read 'C1593', "Ow, Ow, Pulled a hammy." She stretched her legs and Sky tried to muffle a laugh, but ultimately failed miserably. "The things I do for newbies, I'm retiring officially." Just as Skylar was about to respond a door slammed open from behind them.

"There you are, I was beginning to wonder if you got eaten alive by New Yorkers yet." Ivy smiled, her dimples appearing and walked back inside.

"Well I'll see you on the plus side, neighbor." Ashlyn smiled and tipped the end of her imaginary hat as she rode on her 'horse' into her apartment. Sky rolled her eyes but played along.

"Better watch your back, there's only room for one of us in this town." Ashlyn waved goodbye, and Sky as well. 

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