Call #28

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"Hes a real person?"

"I told you!"


"Hey Cole. This is my friend Luna. She was with me the first time I prank called."

"Hello guy who seems to sweep my best friend off her feet."

"Don't call me Cole. Its Mr touche. And hello Luna."

"I thought you hated being called Mr. Touche?"

"I used too. But I love the way you say it."


"Lol Luna. And thanks Mr. Touche."

"Much better babe."

"Did you just call me babe?"


"It came out..."

"OMGGGGGGGG! What's the ship name??"

"Ship name?"

"We don't have a ship name?"

"Well now you do."

"Who's deciding this ship name?"

Suddenly, the black haired beauty casually glanced at your screen. You wonder to yourself, does she see me. Yes. She does. Wink at her. There. Now watch. Did you see Her wink back?

"Some... Good friends of mine."


"Ya. Who?"

"Oh little lovers. You'll never know."

Luna smiles at you and waves. She sees you. Wave back.

"Why not?"

"They are... Special. They hopefully love your love story though."

You smile at this chapter. Luna also smiles and hangs up.

"That was weird. Got to go. Bye!"


-call ended-

Luna looks back at your screen.

"Hey there. I just want you to know you ARE special. Just because you aren't madly in love with someone you've only really talked to on the phone doesn't mean you aren't special. I can see you, but they can't. So maybe someone is reading YOUR story. You are special. Without you, this story would never have happened. We love you. Even if Mr. Touche and Prank girl don't know it yet. Bye!"

And with a quick wink Luna disappeared.

And you stare at the screen. Dumbfounded.

A/N you are special. No matter who you are! Do you like this chapter? Or was it stupid...

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