Chapter 1

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Flim breathed steadily looking across the crowd of ponies awaiting something from him. They expected him to carry on the song his brother started, but he couldn't. Flim couldn't sing because, because he just didn't want to. "I'm sorry fillies and gentle colts, I uh.... erm, I'm gonna go..." Flim said embarrassed and flustered. Flim would normally finish with his brother, and he would normally enjoy the money that would come from it. Flim felt sick, the thoughts returned of the possible outcomes of the foolish things they did. Someone could get upset, or hurt, or even killed. So with the end of Flim's episode he galloped out of the circus tent and into the trailer where him and his brother stayed. "Why won't they go away!!??" He screamed to himself. The dreams, the thoughts, and.... Applejack? "Wha- I.. Why won't she get out of my head?" He asked while breaking down. "Flim?" Flim turned to see his brother in the doorway. "I can't stay here brother, I have to go." Flim said, almost pleading. Flam looked at his brother with angry eyes. "You can't leave now, we're in the middle of a show!" Flam said dryly. Flim looked at his brother, and before he knew it he was pushing his way out, and he galloped to a road. It was a dirt road, and there we're no towns nearby, but he saw train tracks, so he followed them. Flim's clothes were getting tattered and dirty, and Flim wasn't very clean either, sweat dripped down his face and onto his clothes. "Huff...huff... I need to find... a town, A TOWN!" A small town came into view it was a western place, ponies scrambled around busily, carrying apples and pies, some coming out from bars, others heading to the grocery store. Flim raced to the train station, not a train in sight.' Tickets Two Bits!' A sign read above head. "What can I do for two bits?" Flim asked himself looking to the ground. He saw a bit and picked it up. "One more!" Flim raced to a nearby pony. "Do you have a bit to spare?" He asked. The pony sighed and pulled a single bit from a pocket. "Thank you so much!" Flim said as he took the bit and galloped to the ticket booth. The pony handed him a ticket and he looked at the schedule. "2:00 a.m. tommorow!?" He asked to himself. Flim went to a bench and tucked the ticket away and fell asleep.

Flim awoke to the loud 'TOOTS' of a train. He groggily got up and went aboard. Flim took a seat, next thing he heard was somepony shouting, "Next stop, Ponyville!" The train started moving along, and Flim gulped.

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