Chapter 3

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Flim walked outside in the hot day ready for Applejack to teach him how to work on the farm. "No magic, okay, and also be careful when you need to buck trees, I don't want ya to get hurt, and I don't wanna take care of ya." Applejack said jokingly. Flim laughed at her joke and they trotted along.

Flim finished off the work, sweat beaded on his head, and the sun burned down on him. Applejack walked over to him. "Hey, not bad, soon enough y'all be a natural at all of this stuff, and I bet you might even be better than me soon." She said. "Really, you think so?" Flim asked unsure. "Of course, I wouldn't lie." Applejack said truthfully, brushing her hooves through her golden mane.
"Listen, I gotta go to the store, will ya be fine here while I'm gone?" She asked. "I'm sure I will, but don't be slow, I don't wanna be bored, well maybe I can take a nap." He suggested to himself. Applejack laughed. "Ya earned it!" She said before leaving. Flim watched her go, then he went to the barn to take that nap.

"Hey, sleepy head, wake up and come out here, I need some help with somethin'." Applejack said while nudging Flim awake. Flim bolted awake, knocking Applejack over. "Woah there!" She yelled out, but then she fell over. Applejack sneezed because of the hay. "Oh sorry, I uh, I had a bad dream." Flim said, trying to stifle a laugh, he also ate up the words that he had about how cute that was. Applejack stood up, and brushed herself off. "Ya wanna tell meh about it?" She asked. "No." he said looking away. "Alright....., so can you come help me carry some buckets of apples into here?" She asked. Flim nodded and got up. He got a bucket of apples and carried them back to the barn, Applejack followed while doing the same. The two continued with the job, then they went to relax in the hay. Applejack was a sneezing mess, and Flim couldn't stop laughing. "Yeah very- achoo- funny!" Applejack said sarcasticly while sneezing. She was about to sneeze again but Flim put his hoof on her muzzle. She stopped sneezing. Flim laughed. Applejack blushed. "Umm..." Applejack started. Flim removed his hoof, and she sneezed again, making Flim laugh even harder. "H-hey!" She said. The two of them laughed for the most part. Applejack said it was time for bed, so she was about to leave, but she turned around and gave Flim a big hug, just out of nowhere. It took Flim by surprise, but he hugged back. When she pulled back Flim put his hoof of her cheek, causing her to blush more. Flim smiled sweetly and put his other hoof in her hair, causing her ears to twitch. Her stroaked her cheek softly, then he pulled back. "How cute, anyways, goodnight my AJ." He said. Applejack turned blushed and smiled. "Night." She said before trotting off.

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