Chapter 6

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Applejack awoke to a small movement below her. She opened her eyes to find Flim steadily watching her. "Finally awake sunshine?" He asked with a grin. "Sorta." She stated. Flim laughed. Applejack got up, and Flim got up too. "Ya'know, since you've been workin' good these past two months, you can have a break." Applejack said. Flim looked over to her, his green eyes wide with surprise. "Really?" He asked. "Of course, if ya would like to come to the waterin' hole with me." She said. "Well, then lets go!" Flim said while grabbing Applejack by the hoof. Flim ran to the watering hole Applejack showed him. The two ponies galloped to the water, then they jumped in. Flim held his breath, in front of him Applejack did the same. They surfaced, taking deep breaths. Applejack started laughing. Flim laughed to. Then, Flim pulled Applejack close, and he started spinning around. The two ponies laughed and laughed. Flim stopped spinning, and he looked into her eyes. Applejack blushed. Flim leaned in, and Applejack did the same. They kissed, the kiss lasted about six seconds, then they pulled back. "Mah first kiss." Applejack said while blushing. Flim smiled, his face was red too. Applejack looked at Flim a little longer. "You remember last night, right?" Flim asked. "Yeah." Applejack responded. "Well, you're the pony that's always on my mind." Applejack blushed. "Uh-m-me?" She asked. "Of course! I love you Applejack!" He shouted out. Applejack's ears went back, she was shocked. Applejack kissed Flim again. "I love ya too." Applejack said softly. The two ponies hugged together for a while.

Flim was about to go back to the barn, but Applejack stopped him. "N-no- I- uh- sleep in mah bed." Applejack said with her face burning up. Flim looked back in surprise. "Thank you AJ." Flim said still quite shocked. The ponies walked to Applejack's house. Applejack quietly opened the door, and Flim followed behind. Applejack walked up the stairs with Flim, then she walked in her room, Flim did the same. Applejack crawled into her bed, and Flim followed. The bed was quite small, so the two ponies had to squish together. They didn't mind though. The ponies faced each other. Flim put his hoof in Applejack's hair, and he stroaked her mane. Applejack slowly fell asleep, and Flim did too. The image of Applejack softly sleeping burned in his mind, and dreams.

Flim and Applejack woke to laughing coming from the side of their bed. Applebloom was in the doorway. "Awww, you look so cute with your coltfriend." Applebloom cooed. "Applebloom, get out!" Applejack shouted at her little sister. Applebloom skipped away laughing. Flim giggled a little too. "Maybe ahea not wrong AJ." Flim said to Applejack. Applejack blushed. Flim kissed her muzzle and stood up. Applejack looked up at him. "I-uh- do ya wanna be my coltfriend?" She asked slightly confused. "Of course!" Flim shouted out. Applejack laughed, and Flim kissed Applejack again. The two walked down stairs to eat something before going out to work. "Oh wait! Flim, you can work by your self, can't ya? I gotta go visit with mah friends." Applejack said. Flim nodded. "Yeah, only if you kiss me goodbye." He said. "Ooooooo..... somepony loves ya!!" Applebloom said jokingly. "Be quiet Applebloom." Applejack said with a very red face. "You got the hots for him little apple." Granny Smith said to Applejack. Applejack blushed even harder. Flim laughed, the he put his hoof around Applejack. "Its okay, but seriously, I want my kiss." He said. Applejack calmed down a little, but she was still blushing. Applejack leaned in and kissed Flim goodbye, then she left. Flim went to go work.

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