Lying No Good Two-Faced Dirty Little... Well You Get The Point

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((I'm warning you now, things are gonna start to get slightly more gory in this chapter. Not too much though. Enjoy ^•^))

"Jimmy," (y/n) growled, shoving 'Cierra' backwards.

"My, my," Jimmy said in a sing song voice, pulling his knife from Cierra's back pocket. "Isn't someone rather observant?"

"Can it, Casket," (y/n) snapped. "I know you won't kill me."

Jimmy threw back his head in a drawn out laugh. "Oh, Princess, I wasn't planning on it."

"Call me 'Princess' one more time Casket, and I swear I will shove a spork so far down your throat y-"

"Now, now. No need to dig up the death threats!" Jimmy laughed as he pranced around (y/n) like a little kid.

(y/n) scowled and folded her arms across her chest. "If you aren't going to kill me, then what's your plan, hmm?"

"Oh, sweetheart. I just wanna play a little game, that's all!" Jimmy cackled.

"And what game might that be?" (y/n) questioned.

The deranged boy, still in Cierra's body, stood in front of (y/n). "This one," He let out another maniacal cackle and stabbed his knife into Cierra's stomach. There was a rather bright flash of blue light and her body fell to the ground as Jimmy materialized above it, taking back his bloodstained knife.

(y/n) stepped back, a horrified look on her face. She held her hands over her mouth, trying to hold back a scream. She looked from Cierra to Jimmy, then back again.

"Well, I must be off, Princess," Jimmy stated with a rather bored expression on his face.

(y/n) snapped out of her stupor and rushed at him. "You're not going anywhere," She growled with tears running down her cheeks. She made an attempt to grab at him, but it didn't quite work, as he merely dissipated at her touch.

"Bye-bye, I'll be back to play again later!" With those words, Jimmy disappeared from sight, his last laugh echoing through the trees.

(y/n) stumbled to a halt, collapsing to her knees. She looked down at Cierra's body in front of her. It was limp, lifeless.

"Whatever you're planning, Jimmy," (y/n) screamed to the trees, "You're not going to get away with it. You won't get away with any of this! YOU HEAR ME CASKET!?" She looked back down at Cierra and the tears ran down her face all over again.

'I couldn't stop him... I couldn't save her... We're all so powerless... He's picking us off one by one, I'm sure of it. But just what is he planning?' (y/n) thought as she slowly rose to her feet again.

She silently trudged back to the campsite, her usually bright and determined face now solemn and sorrowful.


The remainder of the Frye siblings, followed by Toast, sprinted to meet (y/n) as she slowly approached.

She was instantly bombarded with questions, and she didn't even have time to answer one before another was asked.

"Where were you all morning!?"

"Did you go for a walk!?"

"Was Cierra with you!?"

"Where is she!?"

"Are you okay!?"

"Is she okay!?"

"Where's C-"

"SHE'S DEAD!" (y/n) shouted over the overwhelming amount of noise. Everyone went silent. "She's dead. Cierra's dead."

((Things are going to start wrapping up here in the next couple chapters. But worry not friends, there will be a third book! KitKat out :3))

[DISCONTINUED] VenturianTales #2: Stab, Stab, Stab! (VT x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now