The thing of use

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I finally found my beloved Felix. But he forgot...... evrything....... But we vowed to eachother that we would become lovers when we meet again. I know that when i kissed him he was starting to remember. I saw the event played in his eyes. It was when we made that promise before he left for Sweeden. I remember that being one of the most emotional days of my life. Evrn if he doesnt remember that day, he will, i already know the key to doing it. I have to replay all of our past years over again until he remembers. that includes me showing him my face, but i rememer how pained he looked when he saw it all those years ago. I would have to force him, too. Sorry felix. But the next couple of weeks may hurt a bit, but there will be pleasure in the end, i promise you that. But throughout all of this felix, i want you to know that i love you with all my heart, and for now, we are only friends, but soon we will be lovers, and then we will be wedded on a beach. just like we talked about when we were kids. Once i make you remember, you better not forget again........ felix, I love you so much it hurts.

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