Fornever forgotten memories into the future [almost]

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I was in the back seat. I wore a tuxedo and was as nervouse as hell. Me and Ryan havnt been living together. I went back to sweeden last year. But we still kept touch by skype and phone. But lately he hasnt been answering the calls and i was getting worried. Last night he called me on my smart phone and asked me to come to the Unite states for a while. I couldnt pass up the exuse to see him so I said I could and I will be there by 5 pm today. I was in the back of a limo Ryan had supposidly orderd to pick me up. The driver told me we had to stop somewhere before I would head off to Ryans house. He dint tell me were, just told me somewhere nice. My curiosity wasnt going to get the best of me, so I just kept quiet. After an hour or so We pulled up to a long road lined with weeping willows and cherry bloosom trees. Im guesing this is where we are stopping. It really is beautiful. The road went a long way and pretty soon we stopped at a big circle with big rock statues forming a shelter like place over the space. It also had stone statues of angels standing around the road. The limo driver got out and held my door open for me. he told me to simply go under the rocks. At first I thought it was a trick, But Im gonna take my chances. " hey felix..." I smiled at what I found under the rocks. A Beautiful young man also wearing a tux. he had messy dark brown hair and peircing eyes. he was a little bit smaller than me and a scar that went across his face. than mans name was Ryan. I ran up to him and gave him a big fat hug. I wanted to suprise him when I saw him again. so around 6 months ago, I bought a silver engagment ring. and now i finally get to give it to him. lucky me! We pulled apart and i leaned down to kiss him. After about 30 minutes of catching up, I fekt it was time. I was about to kneel down and pop the question, but he started to kneel down too. So we do thin the same huh.... I put my hands on is shoulders and kneeled us don slowly. I gave him a reasurring look and pulled out the ring. he did the same and blushed a little. " will you marry me?" we both asked at the same time. and we also both said yes at the same time. We kissed again and sat on the ground, in eachothers arms "I love you Ryan.""I love you too Felix..."

     I was in a tuxedo again. Same limo, same every thing... well exept for one thing. I acually knew where I was going. I was going to my wedding. I was going to the same place I went before. The same tree lined road which ends at the rock statues. We pulled up into the circle and i got out of the limo. I saw a glimpse of My beautiful fiance. September 21, huh..... who would thought.

[for those who dont know...... In the portal video pewds and cry played, pewds asked cry if he remebers september. of course our littrle army of raving fangirls got dirty thoughts and presumed september 21 to be the pewdiecry anniversary. cute huh? Of course i didnt get this posed on the 21. it got posted totay on the 22. But give me credit, K? sweet nightmares!----- psycoparty]

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