Chapter 25: Backstage Panic Attack

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Skyler Aviana Hemmings

It was almost time to start the concert and you were clearly nervous. I tend block everyone out whenever i'm in this state. My bandmates and Michael knew that and wouldn't bother me cause they know i would either get mad or have a panic attack.

"You'll do fine." I heard someone behind me. Luke.

"Please just shut it." I told him, trying to calm my nerves

"Mate, just let her be." Avan quickly directed to Luke

But my brother dismissed him abruptly and continued to bicker.

My hands shook furiously and i knew what might come. I approached Michael hastily.

"Mikey." I whimpered

His eyes widened when he saw my condition and told Ashton to get a bottle of water.

"Skyler? Calm down." He said comfortingly

I took in a shaky breath and shut my eyes deliberately.

Ashton gave me an opened bottle of water and told me to drink it.

My condition didn't seem to simmer down. Then an idea popped unto my head. My shaking hand grasped Michael's to get his attention.


"What?" He asked confused

"Pills. Percy." I said

He nods his head and dashes to Percy who was jumping around.

Michael's mouth moved quickly and Percy looked at me with widened eyes before he bolts to our dressing room. Him and Michael rushed back to Ashton and i.

"Here." Percy handed me two pills

I took it and breathed slowly. After about a minute or so i started to calm down slightly.

"You good?" The three of them interrogates

"Kinda." I nod my head

"Well we're on in 3." Percy said patting my head

I sighed and grasped my metal drumsticks from my pocket. Throwing the drumsticks up in the air and catching it, i twisted and played with it for a moment.

"Is that a Damien Mason?" Ashton asked staring at the sticks

"Yeah." I chuckled

"How? That costs like thousand, millions in fact!" He asked flabbergasted

"Well actually its a gift from Damien." I said truthfully

"You met him!?" He said completely astonished

"Yeah. He's like Percy's brother or something." I said pointing at my bandmate

"Oh my god!" He squealed, fan girling...but as a boy....

You get it.

"Yeah. And i have to go." I said running to where i will enter

I stood on this platform elevator thing that will bring me to my beloved drum kit. The fans where so loud it was deafening even from backstage. I put in my ear pieces and tossed a drumstick one last time before i nod my head to a worker, gesturing him that i was ready.

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