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Delilahs pov

My parents thought that it would be a good idea to go out to dinner with Tyler, Josh, and the rest of my family because they just got back from the tour and whatever. So, there I was, sitting quietly at the dark oak table next to Tyler, who was trying to fold his cloth napkin into a crane. Unfortunately, Tylers parents couldn't make it out to join us because they lived about five hours away. That was a bit disappointing but understandable.

Josh, our sisters and our parents were chatting away across from us. They tried to include Tyler and I into their conversation a few times but we didn't have much to say. Also, every time I did try to say something I was interrupted by one of my sisters. The only one of my siblings I ever did get along with is Josh, which is a bit odd but I don't care.

"Delilah I asked you a question." My mother says suddenly. I look up from Tylers hands, which were busy messing with his napkin, and stare ar her. Ashley laughs at me, which causes Tyler to look up too. "I asked you how your job is going."

I nod and smile a bit.  "It's going pretty well." I say, pulling out my phone to check the time. Wow, its already 9. We've been here four hours. As I talked to my mother about how my life is going, I saw Tyler kept mqking faces at me. He's so cute.

Finally, aftet twenty long minutes of talking to my mother about my personal life and getting criticized by my sisters for my choices, Josh decided it was time for us to go back to my apartment.

"Well, we should get going." Josh says, standing up and pulling his coat on. Everyone looks at him. My mother nods. "I suppose we should to." We gather our things and head out to the car, in the process grabbing as many mints as we could from the little bowl without getting caught.

Once outside we say our goodbyes and go to our cars. Lucky Josh was driving home so I could sleep on the way back. I get into the back seat of my car and buckle my seat belt. My eyes close and pretty soon I hear Josh and Tyler get in. Suddenly, someones arms were around me, making me warm. I realize that it's Tyler because his shirt smells slightly like Red Bull.

I try to get up but he pulls me closer. "Just sleep. You look exhausted." He says quietly. Eventually I did fall asleep because when I woke up I was in my own bed, in my apartment. The sun was shining brightly through the curtains and the birds were chirping. 

I pulled the blankets off of me and climbed out of bed, then shuffled sleepily out of my room and down the hall towards the kitchen. When I arrived, Josh was already up and in the kitchen drinking his coffee and flipping pancakes. 

"Morning little Dun." He says when he sees me. "Hey." I mumble in response. He handed me a cup of coffee and I climb up onto the counter. I've gotten in a bad habit of doing that now that I live alone but it's fun, sitting up high and looking out over the small kitchen and living room. Josh and I used to do that a lot when our parents weren't home as kids but one time he fell off when our parents weren't home and hit his head pretty hard. He's okay now though. 

"Where's Tyler?" I ask as he flips another pancake. "He's still asleep. He took the guest bedroom last night." I nod and start swinging my legs. After a few minutes of staring out into the snow covered courtyard, I hear Tyler come into the kitchen. 

"Is that food?" He asks, taking the open space of counter next to me. Josh nods and hands us each a plate. He took one to and sat on the floor and stared up at us. "Do you guys want to go sledding today?" Josh asks. Last time they were here I showed the place I take the kids I babysit sledding during the winter. It's pretty steep. 

"Yeah." I say, looking over at Tyler. "Is that even a question?" He says in response to both of us. We all laugh. "Sounds like a plan." 

We finish our breakfast and get dressed into our sweatpants (because we're losers and I don't own snow pants even though I live in Ohio) and coats and head out , grabbing the sleds from my storage room on the way out. After a five minute walk we make it to the hill. Nobody else was there.

Josh and Tyler, being boys, decided to build a big jump on the steepest part and go down it. When Josh went down se was laughing really hard and when Tyler went down he was squealing. "Sick!" They yell when they went down together. Honestly, it was really cute. After a few hours it was getting dark so we had to go home.

On the way back, I kept seeing Tyler looking at me out of the corner of my eye. "What?" I finally ask him once Josh is out of earshot. "Nothing. It's just I haven't seen you in awhile." Yeah, sure. I shrug, not knowing what to say to him. 

We made it back and I heated up some dinosaur chicken nuggets for dinner because we're all to lazy to cook dinner. It felt right, having my brother and my best friend here with me. When they're away I just feel empty.

Another bad (and uneventful) chapter but hey, at least I'm updating. Thank you all for reading this, it means a lot. Stay alive. |-/ ~ A

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