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Ok sorry for the long wait and then the dumb chapter. I promise something is going to happen soon. I just felt bad about not updating in like two months.
Delilahs pov

As a kid, December is crazy and fun (depending on what family you grew up in) and as you get older, it could go one of two ways. You can stress about everything last minute and cook dinner for the whole family and, buy like ten gifts for everyone. Or, you buy everything early in the year and have as much fun as possible. I chose the second path when I was about 17 and had my own job.

Early this morning Josh woke me up and helped me put all of the stuff in the car. Tyler, however, was trying to pack everything as fast as he could because we were all spending a few days at his parents.

"Tyler, come on. We're going to be late." I say quietly as I leant against the guest bedroom door. It was a three hour drive down to his parents and if we wanted to get there by 6, we would have to leave pretty soon. He nodded and threw the rest of his chothes in his backpack without folding them and stood up. "Ready." He says finally. I laugh and follow him out to the car, making sure everything was closed up on my way out.

Since Tyler decided to pack at the last minute we were a little late but we were still able to drop off all of our things at his parents house and attend the Christmas Eve mass at their church. After that, I was exhausted.

When we walked back into his parents house I took of my shoes and headed straight towards the guest bedroom Josh and I were staying in together. (Tyler got his childhood bedroom because his parents haven't moved since he was about five) I still needed to wrap Josh's presents before tonight.

Apparently, Josh had followed me in because I heard tapping behind me. "Joshy, I need to finish some stuff can you leave for a minute?" I ask him quietly. I hated asking him to leave me alone, it was like I was punishing him when he wasn't doing anything wrong. "What do you have to do?" He replied as he flopped across both sides of the bed and stared up at me. He always did that when we shared a room as kids. I sigh and turn around to continue digging through my bag for the last things I need to wrap.

I could hear him breathing behind me and I giggled to myself. I stand back up and turn to face him. "Looks like we have to do this the hard way then." He laughs at me and shakes his head but stands up anyway. We both know whats going to happen. All siblings do it.

I proceed to push him out of the room but since he was much stronger than me I was failing pretty bad. "Go play video games with Tyler." I urge him. "Please?" He still leans back, preventing me from moving him.

Just then, Tylers dad walks in. "Can you help me?" I ask, out of breath. He sighs and shakes his head. "My sister did the same thing to me all the time. Every time she gave up I felt victorious. Josh should feel the same." He explains. He waves to us and walks back out. Josh finally stands up and turns to smirk at me.

He ruffles my hair and smiles. "I'll leave you alone for a bit." He says and we hug. halfway through closing he door behind him he pokes his head back in and holds up two fingers. "Im giving you two hours. I still want to spent time with you." He says quickly. I nod. "Two hours."

As soon as the door shuts I pull out the wrapping paper and the last few gifts and get to work. I don't have much time. About twenty minutes later I hear a soft knock on he door and Tyler comes in. I look up at him, confused. "I thought Josh was-" he huts me off by making a shushing noise and sitting down next to me. "Josh is in the bathroom. He's re dyeing his hair." Tyler explains to me. I nod and add a peice of tape to the package.

"And what are you doing?" I ask, looking back up. He shrugs. "I just wanted to spend some time with you I guess before everyone gets here." I smile at him and give him a hug. He's just to cute sometimes.

I hand him an envelope labeled 'Joshua' from next to me and give him a blue pen. "Can you decorate this for me? Nothing to creepy." I ask him. He laughs and nods. I go back to trying to wrap the weird shaped vase I bought for my mom. She loves collecting vases. She has about thirty right now.

A few minutes later Tyler sits back up and hands me he envelope covered in little detailed snowflakes and a slightly creepy snowman. We smile at each other and I hug him again. "Thanks." I whisper into his shoulder. He starts playing with my hair and takes a breath as if he was going to say something but he stops himself.

I let go of him and look up at him. "What is it?" I ask. He shakes his head. "I forgot." He lies quickly. I raise my eyebrows and he laughs. "I forgot." He repeats. I sigh and shrug. "Okay." I mumble.

"Anyways, I'm done." I say after a few awkward seconds of silence. "Nice." He says and gives me a high five. "I can go take those out for you if you want so Josh will think I've been helping my mom." He offers. I laugh at him and nod. "Go ahead. Dont drop them please." He nods once again and heads out the door and into the living room.

I follow him a few minutes later but to find Josh. Sure enough, he was in the bathroom finishing up dyeing his hair. I walk in and smile at him in the mirror. "Ooh, red again. I like it Joshy." I tell him, reaching up to feel how soft it was.

It's sort of a habit I've gotten into because whenever he dyes it its soft. So, after he dries it every time I spend like half and hour petting his head because its so soft. Josh just laughs at me. "Can I at least go sit down before you start petting me like I'm a dog?" He asks, throwing the plastic gloves away. "Sure." I say, trying not to laugh at him.

I follow Josh out into the living room and he sits down on the couch. As soon as he's settled, I start touching his hair. "So, did you finish everything you needed to finish?" He asks me, looking around for the remote. "Yep!" I say a bit to loudly, causing him to rub his right ear.

"Chill, will you?" He tells me jokingly. "Hey, your just exited as I am. Don't deny it." I say, poking his arm. He giggles and nods. We find a chanel playing cheesy Christmas movies and watch the one it was playing. Tyler must have heard us because he comes in wearing a green sweater with a dark green pine tree knited into it and sits down right next to Josh.

His mom brought us cookies a few minutes later and also joined us. That was when I realized that even though most of my friends aren't related to me, I still love my little family.

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