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Tylers pov

Just like every Christmas before this, everyone in the Dun and Joseph families were all gathered at my parents house. It was nice seeing all of my family and the Duns. Of course, through tour and everything I really havent had the chance to talk to any of them. Most of the questions were about the band. I really don't mind though. Being in twenty one pilots has helped me through so much.

But through all of the conversations with everyone, the only thing that I could really think about was Delilah. She's so pretty and smart. Everything about her I just love. But, I can never tell her or Josh. I just can't tell anyone. Josh will most likely want to stab me and Delilah will just ignore me for the rest of our lives.

"So how's tour?" I hear for about the hundreth time tonight. This time it was from my family's close friend, Audrey. "It's going pretty good so far." I say, looking away from her grey eyes for a moment to see if I could find Delilah. "Thats good." I hear Audrey say. I glance back at the red haired girl for a moment and take a sip out of my plastic cup full of sparkling cider. "How are you doing?" I ask, trying my best to be polite. She starts going on about her hair salon that she owns and some weied costumer stores. I nod a bit every once in awhile, still looking for Delilah.

There she was, sitting in the corner by herself trying to put a red Santa hat on my mother's cat so it would match her. I swear, she needs to find a hobby. But I like her the way she is. She should never change. "Uh, I have to pee." I say to Audrey quickly and head off through the crowded living room to get to Delilah.

"Hey." I say quietly, sliding down the wall next to her and the cat. "What are you doing?" She looks up at me and smiles. "I wanted a picture with Ziggy." She explains, proceeding to try to balance the red hat on the long soft fur of Ziggy. I laugh as she pickd up the cat and the hat, once again, falls off. "Do you want help?" I ask her. She sighs and nods.

I could feel myself blush a bit when my hand accidentally brushed her chest. "Are you okay?" She asks quietly in an attempt to make the conversation more private. "Yeah. I'm great." I mumble, finally getting the hat to stay on the extremely tolerant cat. "There." I say, sitting back. She hands me her phone and I take a few pictures of them. "Perfect." She says brightly, taking back her phone and finally letting Ziggy go. I take my place next to her leaning on the wall again and we look at each other.

"So, are you enjoying your Christmas?" I ask as she takes a drink out of her plastic cup. "Yeah!" She says brightly and then makes a face and stares down into her cup. "Who drinks Red Bull on Christmas Eve? This stuff is discussing." I laugh at her and shake my head. "Well Jish and I like it." I laugh at her. She rolls her eyes and sets the cup back on the ground.

"Josh and I must have somehow swapped cups. I hope that he likes apple juce!" She starts laughing, which, of course causes me to laugh to.

We eventually both ended out on the front porch, both of us wrapped up is giant fuzzy blankets. After a few minutes of watching the snow fall, she giggled and looked at me. "Remember that one time when we were sledding and I fell through the ice and into the drainage system?" She asks, still smiling. I laugh and nod. "Josh had to carry you home because you were to cold to do anything. I was stuck pulling three sleds home." I add. I still couldn't look away from her. I was somehow more attracted to her than to the beautiful scenery that surrounded us.

"Ty. Are you ok?" I hear Delilah ask. Have I been staring at hrr the whole time? I blink a few times and nod. "Yeah. I was just thinking." The concerned look on her face goes away and is replaced by her cute smile. We go back to staring at the snow fall because theres nothing else to talk about at the moment.

A few minutes later I hear the door open. "Hey guys," Josh says, taking another step away from the house. "Everyone wants to open gifts now so you two have to come inside." Delilah sighs and moves a little next to me. "I'm all wrapped up." She giggles. Before I could do anything, Josh is picking up the bundle of blanket with his sister's head. "Pick up Tyler to." She says, stairing at me. "Please?" I ask Josh, giving my best puppy dog eyes. He sighs and walks into the house, only to come back out moments later and pick me up and carry me inside. I get set down next to Delilah on the couch and Josh sits on the other side of her.

Casey, one of my cousins, starts handing out the gifts to the proper people. "So," Delilah giggles. "How's that apple juice?" Both of us look at Jish and smile. He shrugs. "I didn't notice." We all laugh and turn our attention back to Casey.

This, right now, I want it to last forever. The happiness, the laughter. But of course nothing does last forever. Everything ends eventually.

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