Chapter 5

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Third Person POV

"Hey, princess? Could you get down here?"

Louis limped down the stairs and smiled when he saw Stan cooking breakfast.

"Good morning, Stan! Morning, Harry!" Louis beamed.

Harry was sitting at the table with a piece of paper in front of him. His glasses were resting at the bridge of his nose while he sipped on some coffee, his hair in a messy bun. Louis couldn't seem to take his eyes off of him. Especially with the fact that he has no shirt on and his sweatpants are hanging really low on his hips.

"Morning, darling. I have a couple things to talk to you about. How are you?"

Louis sat on the barstool next to Harry. He winced a bit, still squirming. Harry smirked when he saw what he had done to the boy.

"I'm good, thank you. What do we have to talk about?" Louis asks.

Harry slides a piece of paper towards Louis with a pen. "So basically every dominant in the household give their submissive rules and some things they want to check over. It's like a little contract. I'd like for you to go over everything and sign it when you're done."

Louis looked at the paper. He began to fill it out without trouble.


On this contract there will be rules and specialties for the said dominant's said submissive. Please write an X to the items/actions you are uncomfortable with. You may not deny the rules, and punishment will be required if you break them.


The said submissive will not touch/play with itself at any time unless there is consent from their dominant

•The submissive must always call their dominant 'sir' or 'daddy' during sexual activities and may do so to arouse their dominant (if comfortable)

•The submissive may NOT talk back to their dominant.

•The submissive will not refuse any punishment unless it is too much to bear, in which then they will use the safe word.

•The submissive will not have any sexual activity with anyone else unless given permission by their own dominant

•The submissive must agree to anything the dominant wants



Daddy kink




•Pain kink


•Pulling hair

•Multiple Orgasms

•Pet Kink


Isolation X


•Orgasm denial

• Forceful Pleasure

Sign Here: Louis William Tomlinson xx

Louis returned the paper to Harry and grinned. "There! All done!"

Harry gaped when he saw that there were basically no denials to everything he requested. He really was the perfect little submissive he was thought out to be.

"Thank you, princess. You can do whatever you'd like now. Just don't leave the house, and we're all going out today. Everyone. The dominants think its time to take you guys out for a little date. It'll be our first," Harry grinned cheekily and Louis smiled. He knew under all that bossy dominance, Harry had a really soft little caring core. And Louis liked that.

"Really, now? Can't wait!" Louis squealed, giving Harry a kiss on the cheek. "Is it casual or formal? I need to know what to wear."

Harry chuckled. "Casual, darling. We'll be outside."

Louis nodded and skipped upstairs. He didn't notice both Harry and Stan watching him, both their eyes trailing to his bum.

"You know, you're really lucky," Stan suddenly spoke up.

Harry looked at him, already annoyed. "Yes, I think I've realized that."

"Just be careful with him. He's gone through a lot of shit. I was surprised when he agreed to actually having another dominant after what happened last time." Stan sighed and suddenly looked depressed. "Poor kid didn't deserve what was coming to him."

Harry suddenly looked alert. "What? What're you talking about?"

"It's not my story to tell. Let Louis tell you when he gets fully comfortable with you. Don't ask him either. It's a touchy topic."

And with that, Stan continued his cooking and left a very confused Harry sitting at the table.

It was 8:00 now, and Louis was touching up his makeup with a grin. He was excited for his first date, and you could tell as well. The black ripped skinny jeans with a floral tank top was simple, yet classy. He decided to keep it with a pair of black converse just to be comfortable. Louis walked downstairs with his side-bag that contained all his essentials. He saw Luna and Liam sitting on the couch waiting as well.

"Louis, you look great!" Liam complimented the shorter boy, who smiled. Luna nodded in agreement.

"Thank you! You two look gorgeous yourselves," Louis giggled.

The three chatted for a bit, mostly talking about what they did in bed and what kind of people their doms were. This was natural for a submissive. Usually it's their instincts to show off their dom.

Harry, Niall, and Zayn all came downstairs and stared in awe at their beloved mates. It was true. They all did look stunning, and so did the older men.

Louis caught Harry staring at him and blushes slightly. "Like what you see?"

Harry nodded, smirking. "Yeah, yeah I do."

The group all got into Zayn's black Escalade and drove off to the mystery location. Louis and Harry sat in the back row, Niall and Luna sat in the middle row, and Zayn and Liam sat in the front. The car ride consisted of obnoxious singing, Zayn constantly reminding the four in the back not to "get jizz on the car seats", and pleasure all around. The car smelled of pure sex once they were at their destination, but no one minded.

"A carnival!" Louis squealed, looking out the tinted windows of the car and seeing a bright Ferris Wheel in the distance. Harry mentally cooed at his adorable little boyfriend. "This is gonna be sooo fun!"

Louis couldn't have been more wrong.


Shit's about to go down.

Babygirl {Larry Stylinson AU}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя