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••okay so I know this is not ll what you guys were hoping for but I wanted to test something. Sorry for how different it is from my normal stuff but please bear with me.••

I jolt awake in a frenzied haze as I see the world around me complete and total darkness.

Where am I?

What's going on?

Please help me...

There's a loud creak and I can see a small sliver of light.

Someones here!

They come in, a wicked grin on their face.


No, no, no, no!


"Hello, small one." A low and smooth voice penetrates the dark silence as a man nears me. He was taller than my 6'2 stature by at least four inches and had a much more muscular build. From what I could see he had a pair of black jeans and a magenta T-shirt. His hair was black and styled in a quiff that from what I could see, was very well kept.

I didn't answer him, of course. I don't even know if I could have answered. My mouth felt like a desert had decided to take up residence there and my throat felt like rocks.

"Are you hungry?" He asks me, squatting down to my level. I could barely see the green tint of his eyes. I look at him and don't reply, just stare. He frowned when I didn't answer again but smiled.

"You've been out for a few days, you want some water?" He asks me in a smaller, quieter and more calming voice. I couldn't help but nod frantically. He chuckles and stands, leaving the room, door still opened a crack.

I feel a lump in the back of my throat and the familiar burn as I tried to keep my tears from spilling, but to no avail. They fall mercilessly and my body shook with sobs. What was I doing here? Where were my parents?

The man comes back and his smile fades when he sees my tears. He comes over and sits in front of me, holding the cup up to my lips. I drunk it quickly, clearing my throat after.

"Where am I?" I asked in a rough and torn voice. I didn't want to look at him and so I didn't, I kept my head down.

"You're at my home. You're here because I brought you here. You're mine." He says in that same soft voice.

"Yours?" I ask, shocked and apalled. I wasn't his, I will never be his. What did he even mean by his?

"Yes, mine. My name is Braden McDowell, and yours?"

"Valentine Smith." I say, figuring I might as well get to know him a bit, maybe it'll give me a way of escape if I get him to trust me.

"That's a strange way to pronounce it, Vay-len-teen. I like it." He says, causing heat to rise to my face.

"Well I don't." I mumbled, turning my head away and trying to see more of the room, but it was just too dark.

"Here, let me unchain you, I'll show you around some since you'll be staying here for a long time." I perk up immediately and nod, but keep it minimal, not wanting him to know what my plan was.

He unchains my hands, letting the shackles drop with a loud clang. He helps me stand, me leaning on him for support because of my numb legs. By the time we got to the door my legs were working properly but I felt as if I were going to shrivel up from the hunger pangs. He left me walk on my own, though, opening the door wider, causing me to squint and blink until my eyes adjusted.

The room outside of the one I was in was a large, extremely large, living room. The walls we're a faded gray and the floor was white tile with gold swirls in them, the banisters were gold as well. The furniture matched, a large couch, a love seat, three recliner chairs, four side tables and a large coffee table. There was a huge tv hanging on the wall above an unused fire place. My mouth dropped open in amazement as I looked around, taking in as much as I could.

I heard a chuckle and look over to my kidnapper, Braden. "You're cute when you're shocked." He says and my face heats up, looking down at my feet sheepishly. Who the hell did this guy think he was? "Aw, you're even cuter when you blush." He comments and I glare up at him.

I was shocked at how amazing he looked. His hair was a dark chocolate brown that matched his slightly scruffy beard, and his eyes were and emerald green color, sprinkled with little gold flecks. His skin was a bit pale but it only brought out the vibrancy of his eyes. He was about four inches taller than me and allot more muscular than I was. His eyes boar into mine as I looked at him.

"No I'm not shut up! Why the hell am I here?!" I yell, clenching my fists and stepping toward him. He seemed shocked by my outburst and took a step back, holding his hands up.

"You're here because I want you here." He replies calmly, putting his hands down.

"I don't want to be here. I want to be at home!" I yell, tears brimming my eyes as my clenched fists started to shake.

"No, please don't cry! You are home, this is your home now!" He says, pulling me into a hug. I shove him away and stumble back in anger. I saw the rage flare in his eyes.

"This isn't my home! I don't want it to be my home! It'll never be my home! I don't care what you say!" I feel the tears streak down my dirty face and throw a swing at him with my right hand in reckless anger. He easily dodged, though, and grabbed my hand, twisting and pulling me back to the room with my arm bent behind me. I yelled, kicked and thrashed about, only causing more pain and what felt like a pop as my arm popped out of socket. I cried out when it did and he only grunted, throwing me back down and chaining my hands again. I tried grabbing for him but my arm wouldn't move and I whimpered, holding it to my body as he walked out. He was just going to leave me like this?

I screamed and yelled until I couldn't anymore and found myself exhausted. I leaned against the wall, crying as I stared into the darkness. I couldn't even see when my eyes adjusted. What the hell?

After who knows how long to door opens and I close my eyes, making sure to keep limp and my breathing steady. He came over and sighed, kneeling down beside me and lightly running the back of his hand down my cheek. It sent shiver through me and raised goose bumps on my entire body. He took a strand of my hair and rubbed it between his fingers for a moment.

"Im sorry Valen." He says in a hushed voice. I could hear the frown in his voice. I felt something over my face and before I could do anything I was out.

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