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Cheryl p.o.v

"Hey baby sis, wassup?"
"I am good Shane" I smiled.
"Good, okay so I am going to bed. You should also sleep now. You have school tommorrow remember?"
"Yep. I am going in a while."
"Hmm and Cher, there's a new boy Evan, who is living with Uncle and Aunt"
"Yeah I know, what about him?"
"I gave him your number. Be nice to him and help him in settling kay? He goes to your school"
"Good night"

After cleaning the dirty dishes. I went upstairs, took a shower and went to bed.

"Cher? Cher?" I heard someone calling
"Common baby sis, wakeup"
I groaned and opened my eyes.
"Shane. Lemme sleep, go away"
"You have to go to school. Wakeup"
"Okay, then"
Thankgod he went away. I am not in a mood of going to scho...
And the water came splashing on my face.
"Aaaah! Shane. I am so going to kill you" I yelled. And he burst out laughing.
"Shutup. Idiot. This is not funny"
"Course.." he said in between of laughter.
I peeled the cover off of me and glanced at the clock on my bedside table. Shit. I am going to be late
I quickly went inside the washroom, brushed my teeth and changed into blue jeans and a cute pink t-shirt wih the big red heart in the middle. I brushed my hairs, slipped on my white covers and went downstairs for breakfast. I ate cereal quickly and went towards the school.

There are only 20 mins left till the school starts. Where is Evan? He didn't called me either. Lemme call him.... wait! I don't have his no.
To Shane.
Can you text me EVAN'S no?
From Shane

After getting his number, I called him.

"Hello?" Wow! His voice is so smooth. Shutup cher.
"Uhmm..Hi..I am..Cheryl, Shane's sister."
"Oh ya! Evan here."
"Okay so I have reached the school and I am waiting for you. you are coming to school ryt?"
"Yes.I will be there in five mins. I ll text you after reaching there"
"Okay see you soon, bye."

After 5 mins I get a text from Evan.

From Evan
To Cher
"I am here ."
To Evan
From Cher
"Great. I am waiting for you outside the head office. It's on the right side, second door."
From Evan
To Cher
"Okay :)"

I was waiting outside the head office for him. After not more than a min. I heard a voice from my behind.
I turn towards him smiling brightly.
"Oh hi.. you must be.."
"Falice!" He yelled in utter shock.

I was so confused as to what happen and before I can say anything, he disappeared.


I was really tensed about the behavior of Evan. I didn't had the slightest idea why he had behaved so wiredly. According to Shane's description, he was a an amusing and interesting guy.
But... my thoughts came to a halt when the bell rang. I proceeded towards my lockers quickly and took out my books. I was getting late for my history class and Miss Jessica just needed a chance to scold students.

Thank God ! I was in time. Miss Jessica was not in the class yet.
I took a back seat to prevent myself from her stares. She came after a while and her never ending lecture begun. After the history class I had my Math and English.
In the break time, I went in the cafeteria and grabbed the usual spot where me and Emily used to sit. Emily, was my best friend and we were together since grade 4 . We used to share all our secrets and I can't imagine my life without her. Seriously!...

"Hey bud!!", she shouted crazily.
"Hi Emi. Please get me some fries and drink."
"Lazy as usual", she commented.
After a while she brought the lunch and we started talking.
"U know Cher, that Math professor . He is such an asshole. He insulted me in front of the whole class just because I forgot my book..He is so -"
"Hey Cher, where are you? I am talking to you."
"Uhh ... nothing .I was just thinking about his behavior "
"Whose behaviour? What are you talking about?",she asked confusingly.
"Oh.. Evan."
"Who is he? And what about his behaviour. "
Uhhhh. Then I had to tell her all the details of the morning incident. Literally, every detail!!

"Oh! Ya that is quite strange. But still you don't have to worry that much. May be it reminded him of something.. I mean anything. Whatever it was... leave it."
"Ya right! Never mind,." ,I replied trying to remove the thoughts from my mind.
The rest of the day passed quickly and I came home at around 2 pm. I had lunch, took a nap and then completed my projects and assignments.
"Hey sis, what's up ? " , said Shane popping into my room.
"Nothing much. I am engaged in my school work so go away.", I replied playfully.
"Oh nice so you wanna get rid of me. Fine then take this. " He gave me a hard punch in my stomach.
"Ahhhh! That hurts.. Now see what I will do."
I ran after him down the stairs and in the kitchen. I took a pan and smashed it in his face. He was now up to serious revenge! He twisted my hand and he was going to do something further when the front door opened and mom entered. He acted as innocent as a Lamb. He patted my back and then we were back to normal as if we were busy in our own work.

I read loved such sibling fights but we had to stop as moms are moms and we we're not in a mood of a lecture.

After dinner Shane came to me and said, "What about Evan? How was his first day ? He is not answering my phone since evening."
"Uh. Yeah. I was about to tell you."
Then I repeated the story which I already told Emi.
He wasn't too shocked as if it was a normal thing to shout "Fal" and runaway. "No problem. I will try talking to him and asking him. You don't worry." He said to me with a smile and went away.
I don't know what's going on and what will be happening. I switched off the lights and then drifted to sleep.

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