Chapter Twelve

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Sara's POV:
I woke up to Sam hitting me with a pillow. "Wake up. It's a big day." He said. I groaned then slid out of bed walking towards my suitcase. I pulled out black skinny jeans and a t-shirt. Pulling concealer out of my bag I started applying it until scars were no longer visible. I sighed then walked out to the kitchen where Sam was sitting there eating eggs. He waved at me then continued eating. "So I heard Samuel told you about our little secret." Johnson said grabbing a pop out of the fridge. "I'm hoping you have a set list down." He said. I nodded, "Always be prepared." I said laughing. "Does anyone else know I'm opening act. Like fans or whatever." I asked copying Johnson's actions. He nodded, "Yeah. They're all confused though." I shook my head. Then we all felt the bus stop. "Well, guess we're here." Gilinsky said standing up from his place at the table, Sam copying what he did, then headed for the door. "Let's get warmed up." He said opening the door then walking down the stairs.

The stage was huge. I remember when my foster mom forced me to take hip hop dance lessons with Johnson in like second grade. I also remember hating every second of it. That's when I started realizing that music was a thing. I know sad right? I smiled at my little comment before hooking up the microphones. "You ready Sara?" Sam asked, I nodded. "Call me Q." I said, he raised his eyebrow "I think it's time for me to stop running from my name." I said. He nodded, "Ok. Q, you ready?" He said smiling. I laughed then responded with a "Yes."

"I like a woman with a future and a past, a little attitude problem all good it'll make the shit last. Don't make it too easy girl, don't take it to fast. Yeah, that's it, right there, that's it. Do it just like that. Only you could do it just like that. And I love it when your hairs still wet cause you just took a shower. Running on a treadmill and only eating salad. Sounds so smart like you graduated college, like you went to Yale, but you probably went to Howard knowing you. Weekend in Miami, tryna study by the pool. Couple things due, but you always get it done. Might have been a time when I loved her too. But you take that away, yeah, you've always been the one."

I finished my part on the star then walked off listening to the crowd cheer and stomp there feet on my floor of the auditorium. As I entered backstage Johnson and Gilinsky were on their feet clapping and Sam was staring at me smirking. "That was amazing Q." Johnson said. He said before walking on stage with Gilinsky behind him. "Drake?" Sam asked. I smiled. "I couldn't think of anything else." I said. He started laughing before holding his hand out for a high-five. I gladly took the offer then sat down on the couch. "So," I said as Sam sat right next to me. He shrugged his shoulders before pulling out his phone and playing some weird game on it.

After Sam finished his song we kind of just hung on stage and answered some fans questions. One girl in the front asked if Sam and I were dating. I said no and he tried to say yes causing the crowd to chuckle. Then we got ready for the meet and greet. I sat down in the chair in between Johnson and Sam. As he was talking to people he rested his hand on my thigh. As I expected I was stuck taking the pictures of the three boys.

The night went by fast. We made our way back to the tour bus. I plopped down on the sofa and groaned. The boys just laughed and went somewhere. Me being a loner I decided to shower then go to bed.

The next morning

I kind of just laid in bed. The Jacks and Sam were somewhere else so I got the bunk area all to myself. I honestly didn't really want to be on tour anymore. I mean it was fun, even though I went to one event, knowing that I could visit different places. I didn't really want to be the opening act no one cared about. I didn't want to be the girl to take pictures at the meet and greet. I got up keeping what I had on and grabbed 40 bucks out of my wallet and kept my phone with me. Walking down back allies I finally found someone who looked suspicious. "Sir. Do you have any baggage?" I asked. He nodded knowing what I was asking for. "How high will 40 bucks get me." I said pulling out my two twenties and handing them to him. He chuckled. "High. So fucking high." He said handing me a bag with a few blunts in it.

Sammy's POV:
"Sara?" I yelled throughout the bus. No response. I quickly ran to the bunk area. She wasn't there. Knocked on the bathroom door. Wasn't there. "Johnson!" I shouted running outside to see the jacks and Sara. And let's just say. Johnson didn't look very pleased. "Why are you guys staring at me like that." Sara giggled. I shook my head then grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the bus. She yelped and I loosened my grip. I shoved her lightly onto the couch in the bus and crossed my arms. "You big meany." She said making a pouty face and crossed her arms. "Sara. You told me you were done." I said. "Sammy, you're acting like my dad." She said keeping the pouty facial expression. "Go to bed. I'm not dealing with you right now." I said, she nodded looked down at the ground and walked to the bunks. Seeing her doing drugs again is making me nervous. I've noticed she has spent long periods in the bathroom. No water running or toilet flushing. What else is she doing in there? I knocked on the door. "Sara?" I asked. I heard a loud noise and tried opening the door. "Sam I'm fine." She said. "Sara open the goddamn door right now." I said and continued to bang on it. "I'll be out soon." She said. I heard a rip of something. Like paper. And that's when it came to me. She was cutting herself. Angry tears came to my eyes and I kept banging on the door. "Goddamn it Sara! I thought you stopped." I shouted. Then it was silent. I heard the lock turn and she opened the door. "What?" She said annoyed. I grabbed her by the shoulder and yanked her outside. "Sara." I said looking away. "Why?" I asked, "Because I just need to relieve stress." She said. I shook my head. "Let me help you." I said. "Let me hold your hand when you have anxiety. Let me hug you when you're having panic attacks. Let me kiss you because you're the most amazing, beautiful girl I have ever seen and I'm sorry for being a complete asshole and telling you I didn't feel the same because I do. Sara. I do. I love you. I love you Quinn Sara Zak." I said she just sat there staring at me with a blank facial expression. "Sam."

Sorry. I had to leave it at a cliff hanger because I'm amazing and stuff. So as I'm writing this. I'm on a plane on my way back from Washington D.C. For my 8th grade trip. So comment what places you have visited.

Twitter: amber_caylen

Stay Beautiful🌺
Stay Cloudy☁️
Stay Amazing💙
Amber logging off✌🏻️

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