Chapter Sixteen

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Sara's POV:
He continued dragging me. I felt like he was going to yank all of the hair I had on my head out. My scalp burned and I winced the second he turned the corner. "Nash! Jacob! Lucas! Get them!" Cameron shouted. I whimpered, "Please." I choked out, "It hurts." "Quiet Bitch!" He said yanking my hair even harder and pulling me towards the door where I have already had my punishment several times. My back still hurt from last times. Finally he released my hair and I came crashing to the floor. I laid there limp. Not wanting to move. He pulled down the two arm cuff thingies to keep me standing and yanked my body up and tightened them around my wrists. Not even a minute later Sam, Jack, and Jack entered the room squirming against the strong men. "Now. Boys. If you screw up. This is going to be the routine. You get to watch your girlfriend suffer." Cameron said, You could just hear the smirk on his lips. I just left my body limp. My wrists were starting to hurt and my feet weren't long enough to totally touch the ground. "Ready, bitch?" Cameron said. I didn't respond. I just hung there with my head low. Eyes closed with tears leaking out of them. "Silence is good right?" Cameron asked, then chuckled. "Sara." I heard Sam sob. Then the crack of the whip came down on my back, splitting my skin. I felt blood dripping down my back. I didn't make a sound. Then he just kept hitting me until I felt like my whole back was basically almost gone. "I think that's enough." Cameron said letting the whip drop. He untied my hands and I fell to the ground. I just laid there. I felt hopeless. and useless. Like no one was going to come for us. Sam was still sobbing as he was dragged away. "Boys when you're done. Come in here and clean her up." Cameron said walking out of the room knowing I was too weak to try and make a run for it. I continued to feel blood dripping down my back. I mean I was used to bleeding because I have self-harming issues. But it wasn't the blood that bothered me. It was the fact that ever time I took a breath in it stung. I heard footsteps coming back and suddenly I was picked up and wrapped in a towel. They took me to this weird looking bathroom and someone started warm water. "Can't have these getting infected right?" I brown haired guy with bright blue eyes said, "Then who would pack the drugs." I didn't respond. I just let them undress me. He slowly lifted me into the tub and as soon as I laid in it I hissed. The clear tub water turned blood red in a heartbeat. They pulled out body wash and put some on a washcloth. One of them held me forward so the brown haired boy could wash my back.

As soon as they finished. they wrapped my stomach and gave me some clean clothes. At least they let us shower every day. I mean, it was a good thing right? The same boy who carried me to the bathroom carried me back to my cell. It was changed up. Cameron was standing there waiting for me. "Ok gentlemen and lady. You guys have gotten an upgrade on your cells. As you can see you now actually have a good bed with pillows and a blanket. And you guys have lights and an actual desk to work with. Your showers will be the same time and you know get three meals a day and an unlimited supply of water. Punishment is still the same. You guys will only get one hour to roam around this little facility. If you mess up the person who messed up will loose their food and showering privileges for two days. Got it. Good. Night." Cameron said then walked off shutting the door and locking it. I climbed under the covers and tried to fall asleep. But the constant pain in my back kept me from doing that.

I woke up the next morning to a bell ringing. A tray was slid into the cell with two pancakes on it. A case of water was delivered to the corner of my room and they installed a mini bathroom with a curtain in my stall. I turned the lights on and made my way slowly to my tray picking it up and quickly shoving the pancakes down my throat. What I needed to get done today was sitting on my desk. I just wanted to go home to my bed. I'm hoping someone finds us soon because I don't know how much longer I can last here without going as insane as Cameron is.

Maddie's POV:
"The Jack's got taken by Cameron." Skate said as he slammed the door shut of Sara's house. "I kind of figured that out." I said, "They've kind of been missing for almost three weeks, and Sara and Sammy almost a month." I said, He nodded. "I called the police earlier. they're sending people to come with us as protection since we know where Cameron lives." He said, I nodded. "When do we leave?" I asked, "As soon as the policemen show up." He said. I slipped on a sweatshirt and Skate and I went and waited outside. Only a few minutes later about six squad cars showed up and parked outside of the driveway. "Are you Nate?" One of them asked, He nodded holding his hand out for a handshake. "And this is my Girlfriend Maddie. We're glad you can help us. We have been denied help for the past two weeks. We waited 48 hours and they still didn't come back." The policeman nodded. "Ok well if you two just hop in the back of my car you can tell me and the guys directions to this man's house. You two will have to go in as bait though." He said, we nodded and followed the officer to his car. He signaled the other cars to follow and then he got into his car. We sat in the back. It smelt a mixture of vomit and sweat. Not a very pleasant mixture.

After Skate gave him directions. We parked a few blocks away. "That's Jack's car." Skate pointed out. When the officer shut the car off he opened the door for me and Skate and we got out. "Ok. Now you two are going to go in. We have others on their way, my partner and I will go it behind you. The others will surround the building." The officer said. I looked at Skate who nodded. "Let's go get your friends back." The officer said.

I'm sorry I had to end it here because I have other things to do atm. So comment what you think is going to happen next.

Twitter: amber_Caylen

Stay Beautiful🌺
Stay Cloudy☁️
Stay Amazing💙
Amber logging off✌🏻️

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