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A/N: Hi guys! This story is written in puuuure English, and we hope you will like it. So thank you and enjoy reading!



     A small clear bottle, about the size of a medicine bottle, had a cork for a lid. It doesn't have any light source inside but it was glowing violently. Instead, a small black male pixie was trapped inside.

     The black pixie was knocking the bottle with all his might, but even a tiny scratch couldn't be seen. Out of desperate, he shouted, "Release me!" but his words can be heard, faintly.

Wait... who's holding the bottle?

     A girl around 19 years old with chestnut-colored hair, is holding the bottle carefully so it wouldn't fall. Her rosy-white cheeks, fair skin, and kissable lips, she was so dazzling that she can be compared with the fairies and contestants in the Miss Universe.

     This girl was walking in the wilderness of an unknown country. The only due to identify the location of the said wilderness was, the vegetation growing on it was a tropical one. Obviously it was filled of vines and orchids so from the ground you couldn't clearly seen the moon, even on that night. It was in its full moon state.

From the faint moonlight, you can see her eyes, they were red and full of tears. She was wearing a white blouse that has a blue outline and a long blue skirt. From these clothes, she's probably a student.

Well, if you actually saw her, you'll doubt her as a student because she seemed to memorize the vast forest without a map and a flashlight. For a girl of her age, she was undoubtedly courageous and adventurous. She walked briskly on the mass-covered ground and didn't look on her side even there were wild animals roaming in this kind of biome.

     She walked through the narrow road between huge unknown trees and then, she suddenly stopped. The black pixie sighed for a moment, but then recovers his attentiveness as the girl walked to the left side of the particular road.

     For about several minutes, the girl crisscrossed in the hanging vines, rocks, and some tilted trees before reaching a rather gigantic tree. The said tree was standing in the middle of a perfect circle without any trees, grass, masses or any vegetation.

     The tree had a diameter of about 5 meters. It had gigantic roots which were engulfing a large area of the clear land. Other than that tree, the clear ground had a pit adjacent to the smallest root of the tree.

     The girl stood still, in front of the pit and somewhat her body jerked not because of the cold air but probably a bad memory. After this scene, she stood still again and muttered some words throwing the glowing bottle in the pit.

A very faint "Ahhh!" Can be heard if you listened carefully.

The girl sobbed into tears and using her hands, she began to cover the pit with the soil.

Little by little, the light from the bottle dimmed until the place was completely dark.


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