Task one complete! Second task here I come

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                As we started traveling to the cemetery were Bea's remain are buried, Leo my friend dwarf said that a spiritual entity is following us, so we decided to confront the entity, so we ask the soul of who he was and what was his purpose on following us, the soul was to George and he was waiting for Bea, he thought that her remains was here so as her soul, so we talked on what happen, he was a victim of salvage when he got arrested due to malicious drug usage and pushing, he got tortured in his jail, and got abused, they even put a bottle in his ass.

But he endured the pain and remained strong and he didn't give up until he was freed by the policeman, when he was released from jail, he went to Bea's house and they found out that Bea died and no one knows what happen or who did it to her, so we decided to tell George of what really happen and help him find Bea!

So we went to the forest were Bea's soul hunt the area as they saw one another a light from up above suddenly appeared and they thank us for freeing their soul from the chains of the past, after they left I saw the golden egg picked it up and return to the mango tree to give it to the kapre that abducted Hsinyu.

As we were travelling Leo said that he will leave for a while because he and the kapre didn't get along and he might anger the kapre, as I reach my destination I gave the egg and ask what will be the second task, the kapre told me to get a hair from a tikbalang not just an ordinary tikbalang but the head or the leader of the tikbalang, so I ask how many days for this task, the kapre replied as soon as possible if you can give it to me.

So I returned home and waited for Leo, as Leo returned I ask him where can I found the head of the tikbalang, he then told me that we need to ask the elder Dwarf for guidance because it is a very dangerous road and we needed a knife that can cut the hair of the tikbalang, it is a special knife that the dwarf used during their war against the kapre's and an offering so that we can enter their kingdom, and lastly the elder dwarf must agree so that we can come to the place where the tikbalang are!

The task was harder than I thought and very dangerous as well, but I needed to do this because I needed to save Hsinyu's soul.

I hope the elder dwarf agreed


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