The mysterious unveils her identity

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            As the creature remove her hood I saw a girl, well she is beautiful and her name was Francine, she leaves at foot of the mountain and was trained by her grandmother to be a shaman just like her, she was the same age as I was fourteen to be exact. She then ask me what are we doing there and why is there a dwarf standing in my shoulder, so to be polite I then introduce myself and my friend Leo, then we answered that we needed a hair of the head tikbalang so that we can proceed to the third task and get the soul of my friend.

Just like me, Francine has an extra ordinary power, well supernatural to be exact or to be more precise paranormal, well her powers are far stronger than I have; she is practicing it but me I was just starting to get along with my powers.

So we went to her grandmother's house for me to be determined of my faith, her grandmother can see the future, as she was a fortune teller, and for us that belonged to the people that has supernatural power, she is the one to determine whether we possess a strong one or just an ordinary one.

Well according to her I possess a very strong power, stronger than I was, that I can heal people with just my saliva, and that I can have psychic powers like mind reading or moving objects as I wish but I needed to develop it, and she began to ask me series of questions especially in my younger years, one noticeable question was that, do I usually got sick in my younger years, I then replied that yes I was always sick, she then explained what happen.

I was a savior of the light and darkness wanted me to be with them so that I can be the prince of darkness, but I have a guardian angel and his name was Gabriel, he always protect me and I began to be sick when my parents started stopping attended Sunday mass, well that explains why we usually go to Sunday mass, but my parents didn't tell me that so that I will not be confuse, they told me that it is one way of acknowledging God as our Father and Jesus as our Savior!

Well I still believe in God and Jesus that is why dark elements especially demons are afraid of me now, but my powers faded because I started to be more inactive to the church so she then told me after finishing the task and saving the soul of my friend, she wanted me to train with her so that my strength will be back and I should be returning to the church again, well we both agree to that in just one condition, that she will help us in our second task, she then replied that she can't helped because she was so old but her granddaughter Francine will help us accomplished this task.

She then prayed over us, put some oil, give some reminders and light some incense to prepare us to the long journey that we will be going. Grandmother told us that it is perfect to travel at 9 pm, and Francine knows every path to the kingdom of the Tikbalang.

It is time to finish the second task

Hsinyu's soul here we come!


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