Second Task: The Finale

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As we mourn for our lost, well Francine is still asleep and i am carrying her at my back i begin checking my clock and it is 2.30 in the morning, we only got three hours before the sun rise and it means the closing of the kingdom of the tikbalang, i regain strength and tried looking for the place that we are searching for, we needed to travel atleast 2km east, so we started walking again and as we reach our place two tikbalang was guarding the gates of their kingdom.

Leo told me that he should do the talking among the guardians of the gate, so that we can enter the kingdom of the tikbalang, as we reach for the gate, their tried attacking us but Leo immediately showed himself and talk things out for us to enter their kingdom, Leo said that we are in an official business, and that the king of the dwarves send us, but the gate keeper disagree that us human should enter their kingdom we will know their secret, but Leo insisted that, me and Francine should enter, and that we were tired as well, so one of the gatekeeper entered the kingdom, after 15 minutes they opened the gate and we were able to enter.

I prepared myself to get the hair of the king of the tikbalangs, tikbalangs are very nasty creatures i cant look at them because they have red glowing eyes! Sharp teeth as well so we continue walking until Leo told me that it is time for us to do our mission she awaken Francine and told her to cast the spell that her grandmother told her, it will stun the tikbalang's for 5 minutes and we should be ablr to get the hair and run towards the gate and escaped.

As we approach the king's lair, Francine immediately cast the spell and i cut the king's hair and run as we approach the gate i noticed that they are started running towards us, Leo told us that we should hurry we only have a minute until the gates are totally closed, so we rushed towards the gate.

The gatekeepers guarding the gate tried stoping us but i used my psychic powers push them away from the gate and started running towards the forest.

Leo said that we should tried resting for a while and hide the hair lf the tikbalang, because some of the elements lurking at the forest might saw us and tried getting it or killing us, so i hid it and started resting after we sprint and run away from the tikbalang's.

Francine started crying again as she remembered her grandmother's sacrifice for us to be able to get and finished our mission! We were so blessed that nothing happens to us as we entered the kingdom of tikbalang and tricking them.

Leo said that we anger them and it will start another war between the two kinds, and a lot of lives will be lost!

I hope Leo's premonition won't come true!

Success Second mission done


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