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 Harry’s sad and angry eyes were chasing me in my dreams, making the two hours I slept that night become agonizing. Maybe I should talk to him, not to get back together, but to clarify things. I had never been through a painful breakup, and it was clear that this was going to be one of the hardest stages of my life.

At four o'clock it began to rain and few minutes later, lightning and thunders were making their way through the night sky. That loud noise scared me and made me nervous. I remembered how, when I was little, I used to run to my parents' bed because I was terrified of storms, now I had nowhere to hide. I know the fear of storms is a totally irrational fear, but I couldn’t help it.

The thunders sounded increasingly closer, and the lightning lit up my whole room, and the sound of the wind hitting the house hard didn’t make it much more bearable.

When lightning struck close to home, I didn’t think twice, I grabbed one of the cushions and ran out of my room holding the dark red cushion to my chest tightly, I don’t know why, but something led me to the Louis’ bedroom, I knocked on the door gently but frantically with one hand while the other was still holding the cushion.

Louis opened the door slowly and yawned.

"Taylor, is there a problem?" He said rubbing his eye with his hand.

"I’m scared and I can’t sleep." I replied looking at my feet, I was ashamed.

I decided to go, going to Louis’ bedroom was a mistake, so I turned around ready to go back to my room and face my fear, but before I could take a step a hand grabbed my right arm gently.

"You can stay with me." Louis suggested, I turned around to see his face. "I mean, uh, if you want to of course ..." He looked to the ground taking his hand to his neck and rubbing it.

I nodded and went inside his room behind him. A thunder broke the silence of the night and I took the cushion to my face in a pathetic reflex, I heard Louis laugh and I gently hit him with the cushion, which made him laugh more. I noticed that his hair was disheveled, he looked  surprisingly great, his pajamas were slacks and he was wearing a long-sleeved striped shirt that fitted his figure perfectly ... Wait ... Why was I noticing how tight Louis’ shirt was? I shook my head and looked away from him.

"I'll sleep on that couch right there and the bed will be all for you." He said pointing to the couch.

"No, I'll stay on the couch." I said while laying on the couch.

"But ..."

"Hush." I said and he shrugged smiling.

"Good night, Taylor." He said as he got into his bed.

"Good night, Louis".  I whispered.

I won’t deny the fact that when I reached the door to Louis’ bedroom  I was afraid he would tell me to go back to my room, I couldn’t  bear being alone in a stormy night. Just when I was finally starting to fall asleep a lightning lit the room and a few seconds later a thunder that sounded like a roar made me startled and I ran to the bed of Louis.

Louis turned to face me and leaned on his elbow.

"You're afraid of storms, aren’t you?" He said trying to tease me.

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