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It was seven o’clock in the morning, I didn’t know why I was up so early but I got up anyways. I took a pair of black jeans and a blue oversized jumper and went straight to the bathroom; I needed a hot shower to get the stress off of me.

The hot water left light red stains in my bare skin, but the hot water felt amazing. I got out of the shower and got dressed. As I was drying my hair I thought that we needed to decorate the house, we only had three days left until Christmas.

I ran down the stairs hoping that Lou would be awake, I didn’t have any hopes on Ed being awake because he was a lazy boy.

Louis was nowhere to be found so I went upstairs to his bedroom.

I assumed he’d be asleep so I opened the door, turns out I was wrong. I took one step in and found Louis getting dressed, thank god I only saw his back.

“Oh my god! Sorry!” I shouted as I slammed the door.

I blushed as I rushed to the kitchen.

My hand was shaking as I spread the jam on the slice of bread, I was overreacting.

“Calm down, Taylor. You didn’t see anything, he won’t even mention it, you’re clearly overreacting.” I whispered to myself.

Of course he wouldn’t mention it, would he?

I poured the coffee in my mug and started eating my breakfast. Just as I was taking a sip from my mug Louis walked in, I kept my mug up in my mouth; I didn’t want him to notice that I was blushing again.

“Good morning.” He said cheerfully.

I sighed in relief and put my mug back on the table. “Good morning.”

He made hot chocolate and poured it in his mug then sat in front of me.

“Can I have one?” He asked pointing at the slices of bread.

“Suit yourself.” I smiled.

There was something in the room that made me feel awkward.

“Did you enjoy the views?” He asked putting a cheeky grin on his face.

Great… I blushed and looked down at my plate.

“Aw, don’t be ashamed love.” He smirked.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to…”

“Hush, you are always apologizing.” He interrupted me and took a bite of his slice of bread.

The way he said “love” to me reminded me of Harry, he almost always called me love, I thought that was sweet. What would he be doing for Christmas? Would he be alone? Would he be going out, get drunk and smash any public property that got in his way? I thought about inviting him over to Louis’, but that wouldn’t be a good idea. I should visit him, truth is that I was missing him like crazy, but I wasn’t going to be getting back together with him, oh yes you are… That voice was just plain annoying.

We waited for Ed to wake up so we could start decorating the house, but it was getting late and he didn’t wake up so we decided to start without him.

We decided to begin hanging the white Christmas lights from the edges of the roof and around the two huge white marble columns that were built in the front porch. It took time and a long ladder for Louis to hang them on the edges, I hanged them around the marble columns. We went back inside the house and hanged the Christmas stocking on the fireplace, after that we placed the Christmas tree in the middle of the hall, it wasn’t a huge tree but it was good enough for us. Ed showed up just in time, he yawned and run his hand through his messy red hair.

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